60 Minutes "Home Truths"


I don't define global warming - I use the scientific term as it's been applied for the last 30 odd years.

A few centuries ago we were at the end of a little ice age, so this is not a few hundred years' cyclic temperatures.

And there are plenty of climatic records going back well over 2000 years (and much further using the fossil record) - scientists are pretty bloody sure they've got a grip on what's going on :)

Why don't the deaths of 30,000 people open some people's eyes to the issue?


Risk of Climate Change

At the recent Institute of Actuaries (Australia) conference into General Insurance there was a paper was presented by Dr Greame Pearman, Head of Climate Research at the CSIRO on the Risk of Climate Change.

I would post the paper, but the site tells me that the file is too large.

My (short) notes are as follows:

* * * *

There has been, over the last 100 years, a collective picture of global warming (0.6 degrees celcius over the past 100 years).

The lowest 8km of atmosphere has warmed, as have the oceans with evidence of warming as far down as 1000 metres below sea level in some cases.

The CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is the highest it has been for the last 200,000 years.

The estimates of projected global warming over the period 1990 - 2100 range from + 1.4 to + 5.8 degrees celcius.

The temperature difference between a interglacial and glacial period can be as low as 5 degrees celcius.

* * * *

When he presented his paper, Dr Pearman actually ran some climate models that the CSIRO has to predict global warming and the effects that it would have on, for example, tropical cyclones.

Very interesting.


If anyone would like a copy of the paper, go to:


and look under "General Insurance Seminar" and then "Papers" - "Pearman".
Hi all,

Global warming, sorry to say for the believers, but the best correlation with any warming comes from changes in the energy output of the sun. This has occured for millions of years.

Most of the global warming reported has come from an increase in nightime minimums. None of the so called models predict this. It is most likely brought about by the heat sink effect of cities, where many recording stations are located, and an increase in vegetation in many rural areas near recording stations.
Weather balloon recordings show no increase in temperature, and neither do the satelites(over the last 20 years).
I was a believer of global warming for over 20 years, until I found the emperor had no clothes.

Originally posted by Bill.L
Global warming, sorry to say for the believers, but the best correlation with any warming comes from changes in the energy output of the sun. This has occured for millions of years.

He did mention sun emissions.

Refer to Table 1, page 5, dot point 4:

"There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over the past 50 years is attributable to human activities.

Other smaller effects have been due to:

- sun emission variation..."

Hi all,

MB, It's this bit
""There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming
observed over the past 50 years is attributable to human

that is incorrect, as per my earlier post. Basically human error in the recording of the info.

Hi all,

MB your right, Don't take my word for it , get on to the web and do some reading.







Hopefully the above will give you a good starting point to some research. Basically there are too many university professors who have spent their lives studying climatology who disagree with global warming by manmade greenhouse gas emissions.

The IPCC, who everyone quotes as the "body" of reference, has a vested interest in justifying its existence.

We as humans love to think that we are in control, when we are only bit players in the scheme of things.


I think the real topic for debate here is exactly when did we do a phase shift from property investors to whale-loving, worm-worshipping, tree-hugging hippies?

I'd like to be in on this too, so please use your hydrogen powered fax machine to send me an invitation on recycled toilet paper.


Global warming threatens ski resorts

hmmm - anyone buying skiing chalets?

I'd say this would have some effect on where you should buy at least this class of property :)

Global warming threatens ski resorts
16:25 02 December 03
NewScientist.com news service

Hundreds of ski resorts will go out of business because of global warming, according to research published by the United Nations Environment Program on Tuesday.

In the coming decades, the report says, rising temperatures will steadily push the snowline up to higher altitudes - leaving many resorts below without reliable piste. In some countries such as Austria the snowline will rise by as much as 300 metres over the next 30 to 50 years. And in a worst case scenario not one of Australia's nine ski resorts will be viable by 2070.

The research, carried out by Rolf Bürki and colleagues at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, also shows that the rising snowline will increase the pressure on environmentally sensitive high-altitude resorts as more skiers flock to them.

Klaus Toepfer, UNEP's Executive Director, says the greatest impact of global warming will still come from extreme weather, such as droughts, hurricanes and floods, and will still have the largest effect on those people in the poorest nations. "But this study shows even rich nations are facing potentially massive upheavals with significant economic, social and cultural implications," he says.

Temperature forecasts
To predict the fate of the ski resorts, Bürki's team used temperature forecasts produced by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which represents the view of 2000 of the world's climate scientists.

A ski resort was considered "snow reliable" if, in seven out of 10 winters, it received at least 30 to 50 centimetres of snow on at least 100 days between December and mid-April.

In Switzerland, 85 per cent of its 230 resorts are currently classed as snow reliable. But in one IPCC scenario this could drop to as low as 44 per cent. Germany and Italy, where many resorts are at relatively low altitudes, may also suffer badly. However, American resorts, the majority of which are situated high in the Rockies, could escape the worst impacts.

"Of course, there are a lot of uncertainties and the range of scenarios of the future warming is quite big," says Bürki. The IPCC estimates predict a temperature increase of between 1.4 and 5.8 °C by 2100 unless carbon dioxide emissions are dramatically reduced.

The report was published at the Fifth World Conference on Sport and the Environment in Turin, Italy.

Source: new Scientist

Think about how this influences property held over long periods of time...

For example, given my age I am looking forward to at least 60 years of life...what is happening to the property market in 40-50 years may have a serious impact on my portfolio :)


At Mt. Buller (Vic) they've already noticed that their ski seasons are getting shorter.

As a result they're starting to invest in facilities for other times of the year, such as bushwalking programs, horse riding, summer camps and confrence facilitation etc.
Sounds like a good reason to buy a Ski Chalet in the Good old US of A.

Of course , you'de have to visit it a couple of times each year to make sure the PM is doing a good job....

See Change
Doomsday warning on heat

SCORCHING summers, worsening droughts and severe storms, cyclones and bushfires are set to grip Australia within 30 years.

Average yearly temperatures are projected to rise by as much as 2C across the nation by 2030, and 6C by 2070, according to an Australian Greenhouse Office report into global warming - triggering more natural disasters and crippling water shortages.

The number of very hot summer days, with temperatures soaring above 35C, could double in most capital cities.

HHmmmm... sounds familiar.

Originally posted by Pitt St
SCORCHING summers, worsening droughts and severe storms, cyclones and bushfires are set to grip Australia within 30 years.

Another quote from this article of significance:

The trend in Australian temperatures since 1950 is now matching climate model simulations of how temperatures respond to increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the report says.

So if the modelling has been correct over the last 50 years...... :)

Anyone still betting that global warming is unproven & irrelevant?

Like in Europe last summer, with 35,000 heat related deaths...imagine QLD in 2030 with all those oldies up there & unremitting heat.....

Come to QLD - the sunshine state!


Hi all,

Being the shy little shrinking violet that I am, I'll take that bet Acey.:)

It is interesting how all the evidence comes from bodies that have an interest in promoting global warming.

An interesting side note on the debate is how they have just changed the statistics from satelites and weather balloons as they were not showing global warming. After the changes they now correlate with the models!!

If they think the data from the satelites was inaccurate and needed "adjusting", then how the hell can all the other data collected be a true indication of what is happening(especially from the past)??

Go through some of my links from above and give me your opinion.
