FAQ: What is "reputation" ?


Reputation is a system where by users of the forum can rate other people's posts and the contribution other posters make to the forum.

If lots of people consider a poster to be a great contributor who adds a lot of value, then they will be given an increased "reputation" score by the ratings given by everyone else. This reputation means very little in real terms - it's just a measurement of other people's opinions.

If people consider a poster to be nothing but a troublemaker (or troll, or abusive, or clueless etc etc), then their reputation will be diminished by the negative votes they will receive.

Reputation is awarded by clicking on the little symbol with the tick and the cross next to it on a post. You then get prompted to select whether you approve or disapprove of the post and you can even make a comment.

You get to see what comments other people have made about your posts in your control panel - but you do not see who made the comment.

The act of approving or disapproving of a post will have an impact on a users overall reputation score. The reputation score awarded to a user by other users is a dynamic value and changes as people rate the posts of that user.

The value of your reputation score is reflected on each post you make by a series of dots - the number of dots represents the "level" you reach - an arbitrary ranking that I can customise if need be.

All users start with a reputation score of 10. A user with a single grey dot has a score less than 10. Between 10 and 50, they will get a single green dot, between 50 and 150 two green dots, and so on. The more dots someone has , the higher their reputation score is. The actual levels and scores required for each level can be changed if we think it could be done better. The default system starts people at 10 and goes up to 2000 (you can have a reputation score higher than 2000, but you won't get any more dots than you already have).

So how do you affect other people's reputation ?

When you approve or disapprove of someone's post, you change their reputation score. The actual amount you change their score by depends on a number of factors... how long you have been a member, how many posts you have made yourself and how much reputation you have yourself.

The actual weightings given to these factors can be adjusted if I think they need to be. There are also minimum requirements to be able to change someone elses reputation score.

By default, you must have at least 50 posts of your own before you can start affecting anyone elses reputation score, you must also have a reputation of at least 10 (the value everyone starts with).

Someone who has registered within the last 365 days, who has between 50 and 1000 posts and a reputation between 10 and 100, will have a "reputation power" (the amount by which you can change someone elses score) of 1. This means that if they approve someone elses post, the score of the person they approved will go up by 1 point.

You start with a power of 1 (if you have at least 50 posts and a reputation of at least 10). You then gain one point of reputation altering power for every 365 days you have been a member of the forum, another one point for every 1000 posts you have made, and 1 more point for every 100 points of reputation you have yourself.

So if you have been on the forum for 18 months, have made 1400 posts, and have a reputation score of 120, then you can add to someone elses reputation by up to 4 points at a time. You have a reputation power of 4.

Negative comments only receive half the weight. So if you have a reputation power of 4 and you make a negative comment about someone, their reputation will drop by only two points.

There are limits to how many reputation clicks you can give in each 24 hour period - the current value is set to 10 meaning that you can only do 10 reputation scores a day. Also, you can only change reputation for the same person after giving 20 other users reputation scores. Which effectively means if on day one you give 10 reputation scores out to 10 different people, then on day two you give 10 reputation scores to 10 new people, then on day three you can start giving reputation to people you gave reputation to on day one again.

Overall I think the system is a great way for people to let others know what they think of individual posters and the contribution they make.

It in no way implies expertise or credibility or honesty or integrity or any other such thing. It is simply an opinion of the weighting that people give to the posts of other members.

Also, be aware that administrators can remove reputation completely for individuals - and will do so if the system is abused.
Can people give multiple votes for or against a post or poster, by viewing a post several times, sma eday or otherwise ?

If so this would open the system to abuse.

I am somewhat of a loss as to the NEED for such a system, one soon comes to characterise the regular posters. I guess if it somehow decreases the amount of bitching which has been prevalent in recent months then it's worthwhile. Let's see.
Patosan said:
Can people give multiple votes for or against a post or poster, by viewing a post several times, sma eday or otherwise ?

From the FAQ:
There are limits to how many reputation clicks you can give in each 24 hour period - the current value is set to 10 meaning that you can only do 10 reputation scores a day. Also, you can only change reputation for the same person after giving 20 other users reputation scores. Which effectively means if on day one you give 10 reputation scores out to 10 different people, then on day two you give 10 reputation scores to 10 new people, then on day three you can start giving reputation to people you gave reputation to on day one again.

So the answer at the moment is that you can only vote again for the same person after 48 hours.

Patosan said:
I am somewhat of a loss as to the NEED for such a system, one soon comes to characterise the regular posters. I guess if it somehow decreases the amount of bitching which has been prevalent in recent months then it's worthwhile. Let's see.

There are a lot of features we have on the forum that we don't actually NEED - that's not really the point :D

Personally, I think reputation is just another interesting statistic - an individual score based on the feelings of the other forum members.

Other software products call this type of system "Karma" - which basically means that people who contribute well get rewarded (ie get a higher score and greater influence), and people who are negative or nasty get some of their rewards taken away (ie their score and influence is reduced).
I think this is an interesting system. When I read certain threads you can feel the bad vibes from some people even when the thread started off innocent enough. Some people seem to love playing devils advocate just for the hell of it and not necessarily being constructive. This sort of thing puts people off from posting because they may get hammered in the same way other people have - not conducive to good forumite relations.

I will be watching with interest how it pans out....

Sim said:
It in no way implies expertise or credibility or honesty or integrity or any other such thing. It is simply an opinion of the weighting that people give to the posts of other members.

Sim, by using the term 'reputation' I think IT DOES imply expertise, creditility, honesty or integrity, within the perception of some readers. I agree that this is an interesting toy to use, but I much prefer rating the quality of individual posts rather than individuals themselves.

Using this system means that others will be able influence the perceptions of other in the forum. Unfortuantly human nature allows us to be told what to think. I don't mind if people take me seriously or not based on my posts, but at least they'll have had to read my posts to make that judgement.
It should be interesting to see how this pans out.

It may well help newcomers be able to guage peoples posts in terms of 'reliability' or whatever.

Of course, that assumes people will use it. It will be interesting to see how much this feature is used.

Sim - How many people have enough 'power' to alter reputations? I figure with < 1000 posts and just over one year's membership - I can change scores by 1 point - yes? Do negatives (which would be -0.5 points according to the FAQ, get rounded to 0, 1 or stored as 0.5 ??)


sbe said:
Sim - How many people have enough 'power' to alter reputations? I figure with < 1000 posts and just over one year's membership - I can change scores by 1 point - yes?

You have more than 50 points and a reputation above 10, thus you start with 1 point of reputation power. You have 478 posts, so no more power there yet, but since you joined over a year ago, you gain an extra point. So your current reputation power is 2.

There are currently 2907 users with a reputation of 10 or more, and of them 253 users have more than 50 posts, so based on the current settings, all of these 253 people will have a reputation power of at least 1 (some will have more).

I'm not sure about the half points - I'll have to research that one.
So - potentially dumb question here - how do you tell if the feedback is positive or negative ?

Sim - Any idea how many people are using this option yet, and how many "ratings" to date ?
Also, Meant to say - Sim, good to see you've not elected to "test" the ability for high ranking people, and appearing an expert, by assigning yourself the same level as the rest of us... ;) :D
Slightly off the reputation topic:
Why are some people members and other registred users?

(I was looking at the member's list to find green dots and noticed it)

sbe said:
Also, Meant to say - Sim, good to see you've not elected to "test" the ability for high ranking people, and appearing an expert, by assigning yourself the same level as the rest of us... ;) :D

Cheating is no fun - much more satisfying to be rewarded for honest effort.
G'day PTBear,

I agree that this is an interesting toy to use, but I much prefer rating the quality of individual posts rather than individuals themselves
Yeah, PT - and I for one would love to see the "rating" of good posts used more (you know, the stars).

Unfortunately, "rating a thread" seems to be used minimally (possibly because it requires several people to vote before "stars" are issued - i.e. people try it once and it "doesn't appear to work" so they stop using it ???)

Les said:
I for one would love to see the "rating" of good posts used more (you know, the stars).

The problem there is that the thread rating system does just that - rates threads. There is no way to rate an individual post - other than the reputation system where you can send a comment to the poster - but that's not publically visable.

Les said:
Unfortunately, "rating a thread" seems to be used minimally (possibly because it requires several people to vote before "stars" are issued - i.e. people try it once and it "doesn't appear to work" so they stop using it ???)

Currently there must be at least two votes on a thread before the thread rating appears. The main reason for this is the argument that more than one vote is required before a valid rating can be obtained (ie not relying on only one persons opinion). The setting can be changed.
sbe said:
Further to Jas's point on the member list, I gather Green is good, what's Grey ?

grey is less than 10 rep points. green is 10-50
51+ is two green dots and it goes up from there.

Jas said:
Why are some people members and other registred users?

I changed the default user title but forgot to run the update script to change everyone's setting. They should all say Member now.

I don't mind the idea that a single forumite can rate a thread. If people disagree with the rating it will lead them to rate it themselves.

At the moment I pretty much ignore rating unrated threads because there is no effect when I do so. However I will rate alreeady rated threads to support or modify the existing rating.


mmm... actually, when you hover over the rating stars, it shows you how many votes there have been. I guess so long as people can see that only one person voted then having rated threads show the rating immediately would not such be a bad thing.
I've changed the setting to show the thread rating from the very first time it is rated - and also made it possible for people to change their rating.
Sim - What does it mean then in UserCP, if I have a thread listed under Reputation with one grey dot?

Clicking on the rating tells me by rep is even on the post.

What does it all mean ??? (Meant to be read as per the quote from the movie) ;)