Real Estate Video Clips

I do like the 'Green' sustainable dwellings it curtainly should be mandatory, we waste to much. He says it has cost him 15k to do I wander if you add 15k in value for a developer marketing to a 'green' or portentially green buyer.

I heard an interview on the radio recently about it where a major developer in the Capital City had ventured into making a 'Green' unit development. It was interesting and I think a great way ahead.
There was a wind power generator on TV some time back that looked great, it looked like an eggbeater (supposedly the best shape they found) and could be placed in the city, where updrafts on buildings turned them and could also be used in the country

they weren't huge and generated enough to put excess power back into the grid as well

Not sure what happened to them, I think they were invented in Sweden or somewhere :confused:
RedWing, you have been inspirational with this thread & around the forum providing video clip links and inspired me to form a YouTube Group for property investors so that SS'dians can see all these type of investor related video clips collected in the one spot.

To join the group just go to this link.

On Christmas Day I put in a search on YouTube and found a whole seminar with about 100 clips and found it to be one of the best things I've seen and learnt a few things from that. It was awesome so that will be there for the group to see. I have added your Robert Kiyosaki clips and others and Donald Trump and also some categories such as 'Renovation' 'Developer' etc.

Am adding things to it all the time and is set up so that if any other SS'dians find a good video then it can be uploaded to where we all will be able to see it as a community in one conveniently and well organized spot. It will allow users in the group to upload their own videos of renovations or interviews or even just short video's of a development etc. Plus view all the videos users in the group select to add while on their travels on YouTube watching.

So it goes like this YouTube users that have been accepted into the group and going about thier normal YouTube viewing, when they come across a decent video such as RedWing has just found, you go "Mmmm, I think the group might like that!?" then you select from 'your' YouTube menu and add that clip to the group!

This is the description I used at YouTube for the group:

The Australian "YouTube" Group for intuitive, informative, educational,
real estate & investor related video's all in a One-Stop-Shop. Content ranging
from an interview with Donald Trump to Backyard renovations by investors!

Join the phenomena of YouTube and benefit from the huge amount of resources that can be collected there in a one group location with the one theme!
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I tried to join the group. and get a page saying

"this group does not have open membership"

"For Property Investors
This is a private group. If you have received an invitation to join this group, you may become a member"

so how do i get an invitation?
I tried to join the group. and get a page saying

"this group does not have open membership"

"For Property Investors
This is a private group. If you have received an invitation to join this group, you may become a member"

so how do i get an invitation?

Hi Splade,

Yes, I get the same error. Thought it was just me. :)
"Yes" I did set it to Private so that any fools could not just add anything and everything from anywhere all over the globe and that so it was more an Australian administrated group by it's users.

OK, bare with me while I sort this first user membership out. I did think that link was to invite anyone that used the link to join. So now could you just put your email addy up or if you are not comfortable with posting it up on the forum then send it to [email protected] and I will use the portal at YouTube to invite you.
I have just set it to, "Public, anyone can join!". Now for a short somersofters can join up so sign up now while it's open fully to the public and will accept joiners and while still the world don't know about it.

Then I will set it to Protected, requires founder approval to join. That way will only get mainly people from Australia and from this forum and others to join!

We'll work it out as we go anyway!!
I have just set it to full stream access so somersofters can join up so sign up now while it's open fully to the public and will accept joiners while still the world don't know about it. So it will be our little secret then I will set it back to manual to send invites after that.

We'll work it out as we go anyway!!

Thanks Jaffa, works a treat. :)
I have noticed that you have joined up! Give me your experiences with it, if anything does not work according to what it should or what you perceived that it should have done? As I am still working through the settings!

You should have full access and be able to do everything in their, upload files, recormend files to the group as per explained in this thread above and other things you may discover.
Actually when I think about this more if I had it set to: Protected, requires founder approval to join. Then still I'm not going to know who is coming from where and what they are doing, as anyone could send a request and I wouldn't know who or what or where it was coming from or if thier intentions we're bad and wanted to mess things up!?

Their is three members now.

So after this first open member thing in somersoft I will then ask that people wanting to join send me a Private massage requesting to join and provide your email address that you want an invitation sent to. Then I will check you out that you are a forum member and that you have posts made to the forum and are interested in investing. And or send an email from your somersoft user profile using your somersoft membership and i will send an invitation to that email address. Not just an email to me but must be sent from your somersoft profile so that I will know who you are.

That way we will know it is accepting people that are tuned into the Australian investments because they will be coming from the Australian forum and not the mainstream 'rest of the world'.

Oh and just a note while I'm thinking about this! Use your somersoft user name when you join YouTube as that will be great to know you and be already familiar with you.
With such a huge group as YouTube someone already has my moniker so I've had to join under a Pseudonym :D
I know - it's the first time ever in the Internet that I have not been able to use the handle 'Jaffasoft' and that's one of the reasons I thought up the name way back 2000. I had to go with jaffasoftcom

Well this is Your YouTube RedWing, your the person that has been getting around putting these 'Clips' under our nose. I just finally went over to YouTube to see what the fuss was all about had a look around & put something in place, now the stage is set and users will just carry it from now on.

Hopefully it becomes a quality place that people can use. It's trial and error a.t.m. as I'm get used to the settings and how it all works.

It formed yesterday afternoon and it's gone to 16 members.

I'm not sure what this means 'Pseudonym' but I seen your username in there and know who you are!!

I quietly get the feeling that this is going to be something big! I don't go over to much anymore so I have not told them over their.

If anyone wants to tell anyone give them this link -

Though I have dubbed it "The Somersoft YouTube Community" just in my signature for now! It will be for everyone interested in investor related video content, particularly focusing on the theme of real estate.