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  1. Michael.Knight

    Is A Mortgage Broker Necessary?

    Excellent point, thanks Brad!
  2. Michael.Knight

    Is A Mortgage Broker Necessary?

    Very insightful reply Kristine, thanks! Im chasing my 2nd IP, with a grand goal of one day owning 10 IPs... Because I want to stay in this game long-term I obviously want the best mortgage since this is the early days... I thought it was as simple as visiting ratecity, but I didnt realise...
  3. Michael.Knight

    Is A Mortgage Broker Necessary?

    Thanks for the replies guys! Its great to have such fantastic support on here.... Yeah I see how a MB acts as a go-between the buyer and the banks, and they would save time. And yeah Ive got nothing to lose!
  4. Michael.Knight

    Is A Mortgage Broker Necessary?

    Hi everyone, Im about to buy a $300k IP.... Should I see a mortgage broker? Alternatively why couldnt I just use and find the best mortgage based on their descriptions? What are the pros and cons of each option?