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  1. W

    Steven Keen may have been right all along...

    Check the last bit under House Prices
  2. W

    Steven Keen may have been right all along...

    a boom driven by what exactly? - Australian cash used to consume Australian made goods and services? -Australian debt serviceability used to acquire existing houses? -Australian debt serviceability used to invest in commercial entreprises that create jobs? -Australian exports to ...
  3. W

    Steven Keen may have been right all along...

    This thread is aptly named for a discussion re Keen. If you want to challenge Keen, start by critiquing his argument re the risks of Labor increasing the FHOG in this climate. And I think Keen made reasonable assumptions not dependent on non existent demographic FHB data, though you...
  4. W

    Steven Keen may have been right all along...

    I retorted with - debt's contribution to demand - how much 'fhog % of market' increased - comparative average loan size taken by fhb's - fhb's LVRs you responded with 'western sydney contributors'...... and you criticize demographia?
  5. W

    Steven Keen may have been right all along...

    You are right, no survey or analysis is perfect. And to argue the Australia wide new median price/household income ratio will remain above 5.5 - because house prices are supported by dual incomes....and bugger the long term birth rate, child rearing, quality of life, or job security. -...
  6. W

    Steven Keen may have been right all along...

    You repeat?...did you die and reincarnate as Sim??? I repeat....... come on Keith, fire up the intellectual furnance, go away until dins and find some stats to validate why Keen is wrong on all accounts, and your anecdotal reality is right, on all accounts.
  7. W

    Steven Keen may have been right all along...

    what's wrong with demographia's survey?
  8. W

    Steven Keen may have been right all along...

    A savvy developer should have the ABS figures bookmarked TC. In case you don't, go here.
  9. W

    Steven Keen may have been right all along...

    It's all in the Keen link above Keith. Why not read it, then you'll have some more info to flesh out your fuzzy anecdotes. Meanwhile, I need to get back upstream and read about trends in the bond/treasuries market.
  10. W

    Steven Keen may have been right all along...

    afaik Keen's reference to 'as high as 40%' was top to bottom within the next 15 years. ie 2008-2023. usual uninformed self interest skew by labor and hia. Far be it from an ABC reporter to ask "if all is rosey in the property market (because we are so unlike the US), why is every property...
  11. W

    Steven Keen may have been right all along...

    Robertson walks if prices fall top to bottom by 20% or more. Please point out on the forum where the following were discussed: - debt's contribution to demand - how much 'fhog % of market' increased - comparative average loan size taken by fhb's - fhb's LVRs
  12. W

    Steven Keen may have been right all along...

    Keen's arguments aren't unique to him, and their logic is rigorous. If you apply your mind to following what he says, you will be better informed. Unfortunately, the media can't and doesn't. And I have never seen his peers argue his major premises with academic discipline. It is all highly...
  13. W

    Steven Keen may have been right all along...

    the old Emperor's Palace defence again. Check the source of the graph and what it graphs. and stop to think how severely and chronically Japanese real estate has suffered, despite the country being the bank to the world. The west is now in more dire circumstances than Japan was in in the...
  14. W

    Steven Keen may have been right all along...

    Hey I have to wash the dishes. Appreciate if you could find the 82-92 run up, or even an index covering 1980-2009
  15. W

    Steven Keen may have been right all along...

    I suppose the Japanese thought property never went backwards (over a 10 year period) before 2002. The chart shows prices have gone backwards since 1992....