Recent content by Angelo

  1. Angelo

    To PM or not PM?

    Jaycee By all means feel free to property manage yourself. This may suit your situation just fine, however, there is no way that I could personally be bothered managing the properties myself. I remember the student accommodation I tried to self manage. I had students ringing me up and asking...
  2. Angelo

    To PM or not PM?

    I personally consider my PM as an investment (by the way my PM is Xenia, my wife). That being said however, they should be able to save you time legwork, hassle and should be able to do the job better than you can and get better results. The most important thing to me however is leverage. The...
  3. Angelo

    Where to Buy: NOT in Australia!

    I think the issue is land supply or lack of it in Australia. Unlike places such as America where whole cities have such urban sprawl that they virtually merge into each other, here in Australia we tend to have strict urban boundaries which in effect artificially limits land availability thus...
  4. Angelo

    Recommended Reading for Investing

    Think and grow rich by Napolian Hill is a classic must read. It's probably not a bad idea to get it on Audio and listen to it a few times.:)
  5. Angelo

    Somersoft's own Rob Williams Investor of the Year Runner Up

    Good work Rob. We should catch up and celebrate over a beer.
  6. Angelo

    Advice - Lefevre Peninsula

    Hi MJ The Le Fevre Peninsula has a lot going for it and in another 7 years, parts of it are going to look very different from what they do now. The major rejuvenation of the area as well as the ship building contracts are going to transform the area over time. On a personal note we have just...
  7. Angelo

    No TV or Computer!!

    We haven’t had a TV for about 8 years. I used to be a TV addict extraordinaire. In 2000 we went overseas and didn’t get a TV. After I got over the initial cold sweats it wasn’t too bad. The one thing that stands out to me now when I go out and do get a chance to watch some TV is the News. When I...
  8. Angelo

    Looking for IP: Subdividable IP or Not

    Go to the planning SA website and go to the development plans tab near the top. you should be able to navigate to where you want from there. A quick call to the council and having a chat with one of their planners should help you too. Good luck
  9. Angelo

    Which buyers agent in Brisbane / Gold coast?

    Hi Tone You may want to also have a chat with Chris White from the Prosper Group. They source property in Brisbane and he is a pretty professional guy. All the best.
  10. Angelo

    Buying second IP

    I think it all depends on the deal. If a good enough deal comes up now then you may want to consider going ahead and buying it.
  11. Angelo


    Have you looked at HTC. I purchased a HTC Cruise about 6 months ago and I'm really happy with it. It seems to do everything, however, it only has a touch screen keyboard. I opted not to go with the blackberry because the keys on them are too small for my thumbs anyway.
  12. Angelo

    Difference b/w Oz and UK property markets

    I just pulled this article off the net which indicates that there is an oversupply. It is just one article but it does seem to indicate that there is more housing than they need. I’m still not sure if there is an over or undersupply in the UK. Does anyone know of a source that keeps the stats...
  13. Angelo

    Stratagy, does it matter if I don't have one?

    It’s probably not a bad thing to keep an open mind to opportunities as they come up, however, I think you also need a strategy and some idea of your end goal. If you’re looking for a good deal; good compared to what? If you have some sort of strategy and some idea about what you are after, when...
  14. Angelo

    Difference b/w Oz and UK property markets

    I’m wondering, did the UK have an oversupply of property?
  15. Angelo

    I've become bearish

    Personally we have recently just purchased another investment property for our portfolio. Yaa. Our purchase was based on the individual deal and not speculation. The site was a rare and handsome little development site in a great position and was very well worth getting. We may not develop it...