Recent content by Chatters

  1. C

    What to consider when buying sight unseen?

    I visited my first purchase but my second one I trusted my local property manager to find a good one, since he would be picking it up as a rental on top of my current one so we both had a reason to find the right property. I looked online, found a few I liked and got him to inspect them and...
  2. C

    IP's in Cairns & new proposed resort

    One of my IP's is near the hospitable so its been a solid rental property because of that. I'm guessing with more people in & around the town it will push up all prices as while workers may rent closer to the actual build site other flow on work as Cairns get more commerce from those workers...
  3. C

    YIKES! Keep an eye on CAIRNS!!

    There are some great links in the thread and its got me even more excited that this could be end in a big pay day if it goes ahead. I've got 2 IP's in Cairns which I've had for a number of years now but I'm hoping this goes ahead and kicks things up a notch or 2. Do you think this will...
  4. C

    IP's in Cairns & new proposed resort

    Both are units in Carins. One in Lake st & the other in McLeod st, yours? I've had them for quite a while now and been good investments but just haven't taken off to the point they are worth selling.
  5. C

    IP's in Cairns & new proposed resort

    Hi All, just found this forum so go easy on me :) I've got 2 IP's in Cairns and there is a large proposed resort ( that if its approved will add 20,000 new jobs in the long run and some 3700 jobs in in the short term building it. It's costing some $4.2 billion if they...