Recent content by Diamond-Finance

  1. D

    ANZ cuts rates by 25 basis

    The ANZ are saying that due to a global easing on the funds which has to do with the variable portion of their costings after the cash rate and their own cost margin. I believe that the banks are now going to go on a strong offensive towards getting back all of the non bank lenders market...
  2. D

    What rate To Fix At

    ANZ just dropped their rate another .25% yesterday effective Monday 27th October with out the RBA. Looks like all of the competition is about to start.
  3. D

    what's the general story with lo doc variable rates?

    In general (depending on the lender) Banks will do their low doc loan at the same rate as the full doc loan only charging LMI over 60%. Most Non Bank lenders have a different rate for low doc loans which for them are getting a lot more expensive as the funders are very tight due to liquidity...
  4. D

    Home loan

    You have the right idea. I just wish more Australian's would do the same then we would see a bigger reduction in inflation.
  5. D

    Fixed Loan Break Fees

    Minxdamanx Do you mind answering, Was it your choice to fix or were you encouraged to fix by your mortgage broker?
  6. D

    Home loan

    I agree with Y man. You are better off paying the additional funds into an offset account, this way you get the additional interest savings without it being a tax issue. It would be better to have the offset account as an account that you don't use as a main bank account for everyday...
  7. D

    Subdivision help - has anyone successfully subdivided?

    At the end of the day you are dealing with a council. However you have to realise that the council does want to help you meet all of the compliance as when you subdivide naturally they will earn more in council rates. Even if there is a refusal you have the right to refute the decision (...
  8. D

    Subdivision help - has anyone successfully subdivided?

    What State are you looking to subdivide in?