Recent content by giraffe

  1. giraffe

    salary vs business profit, company structures and gst.

    worked it out, cheers investor, br
  2. giraffe

    Sydney Social Gathering (SSG)- next one?

    Parramatta was quite central to most people, the Mean Fildder has a really nice atmosphere and can support a lot more people before it gets full on busy nights but it's far from central .. How...
  3. giraffe

    Buying Business, Milk Run ?

    Thanks Aceyducey, I think you are right the first step here is a lot of research, I don't think the job requires a lot of skills and the hours appear to be consistent which I like .. it's early morning work but i'm already doing that at Shell. It seems that this opportunity will far...
  4. giraffe

    Buying Business, Milk Run ?

    Hi ! I couldn't find a more suitable forum for this post so I hope it all goes well .. I've been considering different ways to increase my active income. I am currently 20 and earn about 30k/y before tax, this is for 36 hours of work. I have and will very soon get more work to increase my...
  5. giraffe

    Sydney monthly meeting on 22/05/2003

    Ooops ! If it's not too late please include me !
  6. giraffe

    Room Lighting

    The apartment I live in is full of boring incandescent lighting (light bulbs) - most rooms only have one light socket in the centre of the room. Incandescent lights make the room look very yellow or orange, and dim in general, making reading difficult and making me sleepy :) Can anyone...
  7. giraffe

    Building cost of brick dwellings in WA

    What's a good multiplier to use for land required to build that x-sqm home ? 100 SQM Home requires (1.5x) 150 SQM Land ?
  8. giraffe

    A Current Affair 6-30 Monday CH-9

    Here's what I remember there is very little mention of where Andrea invests tends to buy houses, and other properties with large land content, constant mention of houses almost lost it all 5 years ago when "market crashed" (how did this happen?) financial advisor NC Brunnings...
  9. giraffe

    A Current Affair 6-30 Monday CH-9

    Oooer ! I wonder if we're familiar with this lady ? Could she be investing in regional areas ? I'll be interested to see who it is .. I wonder what stories like this do to the property market .. Nothing new though
  10. giraffe

    Capital Gain & Cash Flow

    Thanks for the support Bundy, Simon !
  11. giraffe

    Capital Gain & Cash Flow

    Two Percent ? Is that the value I should use for an interest rate ?
  12. giraffe

    Capital Gain & Cash Flow

    I'm a bit new to loans, how do you get 5.9% .. is this available for IO loans ? :) PIA software uses 8.5% .. is there a way of changing the default value, and .. what would be a good figure to use for cashflow estimates ?
  13. giraffe

    Real Estate Course

    Sorry I missed that one, where was it located .. and more importantly how do you find out about these events ? :)
  14. giraffe

    Silly Question

    Equity is (value of assets) minus (loans). Say that you own your PPOR (principle place of residence) completely and it is worth 200k. Your equity would then be 200k Say you borrow 100k to buy an investment property using your home as equity. Your investment property rises in value to...
  15. giraffe

    Real Estate Course

    Hi all, A friend at work suggested I check the website and consider a real estate course for approx $700. Since I don't know a thing about real estate I was considering maybe forking out the $700 which isnt a lot considering it will improve my RE knowledge 1000 times .. ? :)...