Recent content by property77

  1. P

    Common situation - what's the best approach?

    Hi Tristo That is a really good question - and one lots of property investors find themselves facing! I agree with BargainHunter's tip re. making a reasonable offer and then using the cooling off period to renegotiate if an issue is found. This can be difficult though if the cooling off period...
  2. P

    The impotance of having a local PM

    Totally agree that local is better! I have learnt this the hard way recently when I realised that my IP was let out for far less than comparable apartments in the area - the local market had clearly moved and my agent from the other side of town wasn't up to date! Regards Propertyman
  3. P

    Real Estate Agent recommendation

    Agree with the Y-man. Have dealt with Kay and Burton a lot and they do seem to be the experts in the area. Otherwise would recommend Hocking Stuart. Good luck!