Recent content by Seabreeze

  1. S

    Tenant wants to change terms of lease

    That's a highly ironic statement given the RTA changes under a Liberal govt in WA... you can choose your poison but make no mistake - it's still poison!
  2. S

    Ben Davies, in Australia, on Australia.

    I haven't listened to this yet but will make some time for it - thanks Sunfish. However, I'm of the view that at least high inflation is pretty likely in our future, as in all around the developed world. My take on it is: - The US and others are in so much debt their only way out (as has...
  3. S

    Do I secretly like work?

    There is so much in our culture and nature that pre-programs us to work. From the stereotype of the bludger in front of the TV to the fact that the first question when you introduce yourself to someone at a backyard BBQ is invariably "so, what do you do?" I agree it's absolutely not easy to...
  4. S

    Do I secretly like work?

    By the way you've framed that question, it certainly sounds like you already know the answer! We are in a similar predicament and have to decide whether to work for a few more years to provide the funds necessary to build a new and bigger PPOR to accomodate a growing family or just exit stage...
  5. S

    FIFO rosters 'hurt' regional WA

    Marriage is a wonderful institution but who wants to live in an institution? :p (Thanks Groucho!) BTW there are plenty of existing country communities with lots of functioning institutions like this for those who desire such things...!
  6. S

    Do I secretly like work?

    I can think of 1,001 things I would rather do than my current job. And I quite enjoy my work too...
  7. S

    FIFO rosters 'hurt' regional WA

    Not to mention the plane flight home where they're all tanked and ordering more booze like there's no tomorrow. I hated being on those flights where a big team had just finished a "swing". Utterly cringeworthy behaviour... IMO there is nothing good about FIFO for either the people involved...
  8. S

    Derby, WA - finally? There is also a fund to contribute towards new land development costs, courtesy of our good friends at Chevron. This will be a heavily manipulated property market until...
  9. S

    Joke Thread

    Why does vegan cheese taste bad? It hasn't been tested on mice... What do vegan zombies eat? Grains What did the two vegetarians say to each other? We have to stop meating like this...
  10. S

    It's deja vu all over again.

    Makes sense to me. The banks (and our govts) have no natural need for USD (unlike BHP) and need their funding in AUD. The price of hedging certainly looks pretty steep but that is understandable given recent history on that front.
  11. S

    It's deja vu all over again.

    That's just reporting. They're dual listed - Australia and UK. They pay dividends in AUD and GBP, not USD. Their reporting methods are an internal matter. But I agree to the extent that many of their operations have inherent forex risks courtesy of operating (or selling) in those...
  12. S

    It's deja vu all over again.

    Actually I think Marty stated what it would likely be and TF as well - the BHP debt is in USD and the Aus Govt / Bank debts are in AUD. In the first instance, BHP takes exchange rate risk and effectively the Aus Govt / Bank debts don't - their lenders do instead. Hence the higher rate for...
  13. S

    It's deja vu all over again.

    This is certainly an interesting question. The banks have higher credit ratings so that doesn't explain it. Sovereigns such as Australia have even higher ratings again. BHP is A, WBC is AA and Aus Govt is AAA. Certainly it would help that BHP don't actually need the money but still that's an...
  14. S

    Financially Fragile: Could you come up with $2,000 cash in 30 days?

    Well that's all very nice jaycee but my point is that the principle is the same regardless of the amounts involved. ie you have assets, a line of credit and you are drawing down the line of credit (or taking money out of an offset account if you will). If someone says that means you're not...
  15. S

    Which is a better prospect?

    Mandimoo, to me as investments they both look terrible. Low yields (really low on a net basis), poor land content and they're "around Mandurah". If they're not "really" investments, then no-one here can possibly comment - it's completely up to you how you wish to spend your own money for...