Recent content by StephenSLR

  1. S

    Development Application

    I could've submitted my own drawings copied in triplicate to scale, etc. as per the DA requirements. I had drawn up plans myself and was going to get a draftsman here at work to draw it up on AutoCAD but the EC were not happy with that idea. I've passed on the details for both Plansight and...
  2. S

    Development Application

    Awesome, thanks for that I did a quick search and found an urban planner in our suburb. I'll pass these details to our strata manager. Cheers. s
  3. S

    Development Application

    I've visited the site and downloaded their form. I was in the process of doing the DA myself, I've even drawn up plans and have just about completed the application. The EC however doubt my talents and want it professionally done with options for different designs and to have a professional...
  4. S

    Development Application

    Ashfield council does have an advisor and I've looked into it but the EC want someone professional to design the enclosure and submit the DA. Our strata manager went to an architect to provide a quote, it was $2,000. We are looking for a second quote and I'm wondering who else...
  5. S

    Development Application

    Our property falls under a heritage listing and we'be been told by Ashfield council (NSW) that we have to submit a DA to modify our front brick fence to include a garbage bin enclosure. Who is the best person to see to prepare and submit the DA to council. s
  6. S

    Strata Insurance

    Can anyone here recommend a value for money insurance company that looks after home units? Location Summer Hill NSW. s
  7. S

    Strata MATV installers

    We're in the process of getting our antenna upgraded and looking into quotes. I've sent a copy of the MDU handbook to our strata manager and told them to get their antenna people to fill in Appendix A. I was told that they will charge a fee to fill it in. Can anyone recommend an honest...