Recent content by Steve Cockrane

  1. S

    What if your property drops in value? What can the banks do?

    Wylie, Technically your broker isn't correct, as Buzzlightyear and banahers said the T & C's of most mortgages allow a lender to call in a loan regardless of whether or not a act of default has occurred. But this rarely if ever occurs, it's just a standard term to protect their interests...
  2. S

    Change of Title upon Divorce/Seperation

    Hi Ronulas5, Firstly sorry to hear about your situation, but it does happen and having been there I can well understand what you're going through. To quote that great Australian philosopher "KENNY" - "Cut out the middleman find someone you hate and give them a house." Sorry to make light...
  3. S

    Capitalising exit fees if interest rates drop suddenly

    Boomtown, Firstly, I strongly doubt that things will go crazy and the RBA will cut rates by 200 basis points in the short term. But following your hypothetical if a boom did ensue after such a number of cuts in the next 12 months that we did see a 200 basis points cut. My first point of...
  4. S

    Will you buy a property if the bank's evaluation comes under the purchase price ??

    xQuIz8 As Buzzlightyear said, He's quite right a valuation coming in at the purchase price is generally speaking the 'norm'. A property valuer's obligation is to provide the lender with an opinion as to the market value of a property the lender is gong to lend against. It is very hard...