Search results

  1. B

    Rescinding Property offer for existing apartment unit

    You would need to show reasonable attempt in obtaining finance, not just changed your mind and let the REA know didn't get finance.
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    End of an Era

    Thank you Somers for providing such a wonderful facility all these years at your expense. Lets keep the positive experiences and learning over the new platform.
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    Rescinding Property offer for existing apartment unit

    This, same as what I was eluding to. Your offer has no fees involved to withdraw. But to use your cooling off (withdraw) on a contract it would be 0.25%.
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    Rescinding Property offer for existing apartment unit

    You can withdraw your offer at anytime and without reason. If you get really technical (in VIC anyway) you can withdraw your offer even if the vendor has signed it but as long as you haven't received a copy of the COS. E.g. the vendor signs at 6:30pm and you don't receive your copy until...
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    Rescinding Property offer for existing apartment unit

    If you cancel your offer there is no charge. However If the offer has been accepted (now contract) and you wish to cancel there will be a cooling off fee or you would lose the deposit depending on how far in you were. The 0.25% deposit is part of the initial deposit the REA is going to...
  6. B

    Lowball offers, questions.

    I have been on both sides as I was a REA before. Speak to the REA as a normal person and submit your offer with the least conditions and remove 'repair the gutter' just make your price 5k less. Reason being it opens up another can of worms that they vendor might not do it to your liking...
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    Beach front property for only $16,000!

    Damn that negative gearing has really increased the property price, how will people be able to afford houses now! We should abolish negative gearing and then buy it for $15.5k.
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    Vendor not providing vacant possession at settlement

    As others have written, do not settle until vacant and speak with your solicitor. Reason people are saying not to settle before vacant, the vendor (now tentant) could say the damage in the wall happened AFTER you settled. Whereas if you haven't settled if there was damage done before you...
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    Views + Contracts = Results?

    Think of a sales funnel The more people viewing online will lead to more people inspecting, which will leads to more people doing 2nd/3rd inspection which then goes to more B&P and then more registered bidders and finally a buyer. You have less viewers it will result in less inspections...
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    Is this a "cash offer"?

    That is why there is usually a personal guarantee if buying through a company.
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    Apparently I'm considered "Rich" or "Loaded"...

    Tell them how much debt you have and they will likely run lol
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    Interpreting Current Value of Homes

    Look at comparable properties. End of the day a property is only worth what someone is willing to pay and the other person willing to accept.
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    Advise re investment You might need to borrow more money though...
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    Has anyone ever negotiated for property in estate?

    3 options; Walk away Leave your offer on the table for another 48 hours Increase your offer You can give them your comparables if you really want to depending on what gap you are talking about.
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    Process for selling myself?

    You can still get around it as you might not of liked the conditions ;) However if it was unco and they agreed to your settlement period then yes you would need to. However if there was any conditions or even if it was unco but you didn't like the settlement date the you don't need to...
  16. B

    Is Right Property Group a right property group to deal with?

    Also 5 out of 5 posts have been in this thread and nothing since a month ago. I would guess a competitor or something and ill leave it up to you to decide if I work for RPG.... I didn't think I sounded defensive :confused:
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    Anyone used Aussie?

    By that respect there is a massive COI with all mortgage brokers as they only sell products they have and don't offer others.
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    If a vendor says to the agent "don't bring me offers under $x", is this legal...

    So 20% is acceptable, how about 21% below? What if the house with FMV was 500k but the owner wants 1M and advertised 900k+ and they got an offer of 600k or even 470k? I am only stirring (I agree with you it is stupid) but what the act says is that all offers need to be present unless...
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    If a vendor says to the agent "don't bring me offers under $x", is this legal...

    what if the vendor hasn't knocked back any offer before? say they want 500k and you got an offer of 450k is that classified as to low? What if the vendors were desperate to sell and would take the 450k now on unco and 30 days (which is the offer you have) but instead you rejected it? If...