Search results

  1. Tim

    Property Bubble

    This is interesting, it suggests research indicates we are in a long term property bubble
  2. Tim

    10 Years of Stagnation - Pottsville Units Nth NSW

    I have units which I bought in 2000 or so in Pottsville NSW for a song - they quickly went up and during 2003 prior to a downturn in property in that area they were around $260-280k. Its interesting that they are still below this figure and I cannot help but think that they simply wont stay...
  3. Tim

    False Rally in UK Housing Market It's good to know that the UK housing market has stopped declining, as this together with the US house market can shore up sentiment to property globally, however this may be a false dawn according to the article. Tim
  4. Tim

    House Prices Need 'US Style' Collapse

    What garbage, how dare these people suggest Australian property is over priced and due for a correction, its obvious our property is not nearly as expensive as other property around the world.....,28323,26070663-5013951,00.html It's actually an...
  5. Tim

    Go Perth!!!,27753,26057488-31037,00.html
  6. Tim

    Proof of Property Price Rises

    Finally some proof of asset price increases by somebody respectable
  7. Tim

    No House Price Growth for 350 Years

    Robert Schiller, author of "Traders, Guns and Money" has undertaken research on property dating back to 1629 and asserts that real house price growth is less than 1% at best. The following article has information on this...
  8. Tim

    Changing List Price on QLD PAMD Form22a

    Hi, I am in the process of listing seveal QLD property with an agent for sale - does anyone know if during the listing period I can change the list price up (obviously I can drop the price but I assume I can also increase the price). THis has nothing to do with being unsure of the sale...
  9. Tim

    Comments on this Beenleigh Development

    Hi, wondered if people would care to comment on this development: I am not looking to do this, but this is the type of thing I would like to get into...
  10. Tim

    House Prices Tipped to Rise 40%

    OMG !!!! House prices tipped to increase 40% in 5 years! Amazing! BIS Shrapnel predict that property will continue to rise 7% per year how amazing. Tim
  11. Tim

    Insurance Premium up 60%!!!

    This may become more common, but my insurance premium for house and contents went from $761 last year to $1273 this year - that's a 60% increase. Sure I made a claim for hail damage, that's why I have been paying insurance for 18 years. I don't feel very "lucky" at all for the increase. Tim
  12. Tim

    Rudd to boost home savings,23636,23157163-462,00.html
  13. Tim

    Buy and Hold vs. Trade Property

    Hi All, I am hoping fellow Somersofter's can provide some feedback on their experience/knowledge of an area I have been thinking about actively for several months. I think there is a general mantra of 'Buy and Hold' on this forum, due in part to Jan Somer's book. So I won't comment on...
  14. Tim

    NZ houses world's least affordable

    NZ houses world's least affordable It takes 18 NZ household income years to buy the 'average' property - what a joke!! It is interesting to read this article and compare to Australia. Basically there are a lot of...
  15. Tim

    Housing Price Crash in Oz?

    I am aware the share markets are super rocky at the moment and that doom and gloom is pervasive, US could go into recession etc, but putting all of that aside, even though Oz has great fundamental in relation to supply and demand to help property prices up, considering that US, UK, parts of...
  16. Tim

    Living off Equity - Reality Check from the Banks Perspective

    Hi All, I have been increasingly looking at the concept of living off equity through LoC - a much discussed topic on this forum. What I am wondering from anyone who is doing this or is intending on doing this not too far down the track: 1) REALITY CHECK - Does anyone actually know of...
  17. Tim

    Asset Price Deflation & Interest Rate Rises

    The 7:30 Report Although I am optimistic by nature I seriously wonder if the above is inevitable because I don't see how we are going to get around the huge levels of debt we have in relation to incomes without some type of asset...
  18. Tim

    Global Liquidity Crunch Coming our Way?,25197,22220872-643,00.html Just reading this article makes me a tad conerned....
  19. Tim

    Renting a QLD House Excluding Garage?

    Hi All, does anyone know if in QLD you are able to rent out a house to tenants but exclude the garage (it is full of personal items). I thought there may be some restrictions on this but wasn't sure. I had a look at the QLD tenancy act but cannot find this - any tips would be appreciated...
  20. Tim

    Cost to get Tax done

    Hi, I am trying to ascertain whether my Accountant fees are reasonable, too high etc and wondered if anyone can comment based on their experience. Basically to get our tax (me and spouse) done including 13 properties, a good number of share trades and about 8 or so managed funds statements...