Search results

  1. Douglas Bailey

    What is a 'Regulated' loan and do I need to get out of it?

    Hi team, I purchased a PPoR last year with an IO loan and offset account. 20% depostit (to make the bank happy). I'm moving out in two weeks and will be renting. My PPoR will become an IP. I was under the impression that I could then claim interest on the 80% as a deduction when the purpose...
  2. Douglas Bailey

    Am I Negative, Neutral or Postively Geared!?

    Just having trouble knowing which way I'm geared in this senario. All my expenses (excluding depreciation) = $400 pw Rental Income $400 pw Depreciation $100 pw Am I... 1) Neutral because Rent = Expenses (the expenses I have to pay) OR 2) Negative because my Expenses (and Depreciation)...
  3. Douglas Bailey

    Major miscommunication with bank.

    Just took out a new home loan with a bank and then they send me this little booklet with deposit slips in it. Obviously we've had a miscommunication and the bank thinks they are getting their money back! :D:D;)
  4. Douglas Bailey

    OTP Final Inspection, Building Inspector recommendation in Blacktown?

    Hi all, Did a google search of the site and couldn't find what I wanted so am posting. And I find you all most gracious and helpful, thanks!. My first OTP purchase is due for completion over the next couple of weeks. I was onsite today and the Agent said he would call me in for a final...
  5. Douglas Bailey

    Capital Gains: Best to use as IP or PPoR first?

    Hi all, With a new OTP unit I'm purchasing it seems to me (but I need to confirm) that for Capital Gains reasons I'm much better to live in the unit first rather than rent it first and live in it later? Fleshing out the alternatives; Background: I signed the contract for $285k on 28th...
  6. Douglas Bailey

    Using forum search

    Hi guys. I try to use Boolean search terms like AND, OR. But I don't seem to get the results I want. I've also tried "searching for phrases" in quotes to no success. Could someone suggest how I can search for "buyer's agent" for example without getting every post that has buyer's OR agent...
  7. Douglas Bailey

    Always Lesser of Valuation or Purchase Price?

    Hi people, Would appreciate your views on my question: Is it always true that lenders will only lend the lesser of the purchase price or the valuation? Of course I'd like any inherent/existing equity to count in my favour so I can put in less deposit. And I'm actually trying to...