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  1. MSL

    Robert Allen

    Hi guys, Is anyone going to Robert Allen's worshop? What do people think about him? and his books? Thanks, Mary
  2. MSL

    What could possibly be better than property investing (or shares)?

    I love property, and for many this is a great vehicle for average people like me to become investors. I'm a Peter Spann graduate, huge fan of Steve Navra and really really enjoy both the MSN and Somersoft forums! What makes it so great, I think, are the people I meet when I attend these...
  3. MSL

    Why trusts / hybrid Trusts ?

    Hi, I'm still a bit confused on using trusts to buy IPs. Apart from it being used for asset protection, what are the other advantages? Isn't Land Tax a big factor for not using trusts - No exemption so payable for the whole land value amount? Mary