Search results

  1. N

    Loan Circumstances Changed - Payout or Switch to P&I?

    So here is my situation. I own two properties, 'A' and 'B'. 'A' used to be the PPOR. I took out about $80k equity from 'A' to buy property 'B' which become my IP for about a year. This was done by splitting the 'A' home loan into two and switching the loan to IO. Recently moved into 'B'...
  2. N

    IP becoming PPOR

    Is there any guide to when exactly IP becomes PPOR with regards to tax deductability of their related loans? Is it at the point when we officially move in and live at the property, i.e. having official address change or it is from the point when the IP is vacant (rental lease expired and not...
  3. N

    Tax implication - Redraw on IO loan

    Wondering if forum members can help shed light to my current situation. Current loan on PPOR is IO, with redraw facility. Loan is split into two portions, one portion is the equity that we've used to purchase an IP. The other is the primary loan (remaining loan amount when it was...
  4. N

    First investment property

    Hi everyone, Am a long time reader of the forum and first time poster. Looking for some info and advice on purchasing my first investment property. Here are some main points: 1. Got an offer ($660k) for a house accepted last Friday. Location is in a good neighborhood with good schools (one...