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  1. Z

    Developers - CGT on a Dev

    Very interesting as I was just looking into this as I might be selling a new house build instead of renting it out. So if you buy land and build a new house then sell it before renting it out there is no CGT to be paid. It is looked at as business/developer so you pay tax on the profit after...
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    Air Cond replacement ?

    Hi All We had to replace the main unit of the ducted reverse cycle as the old unit was 20 years old and not able to be repaired. So the ducting and zones are still original. Is this an immediate write off as a repair or know something to add to our depreciation schedule? Just a bit...
  3. Z

    New build 3 or 4 bedroom ?

    Thanks for the replys :-) The area is Blakes Crossing at Blakeview which is outer suburbs but a semi premium development. Land is prob a 3 min walk from the park. Decisions? Cheers Mick
  4. Z

    New build 3 or 4 bedroom ?

    These are the two designs -- Cheers Mick
  5. Z

    New build 3 or 4 bedroom ?

    Hi All Just wanting peoples opinion on a new build we are doing as our next IP. We have a block 265 sqm and can either fit a 3 bed 2 bathroom home with about 4 meters for the backyard or - A 4 bed 2 bathroom with an alfresco but only 2 meters for the backyard for approx. $10,000 more...
  6. Z

    Northern Adelaide new vs old ?

    Thanks for the reply's :-) This is for an IP on a long term hold strategy so I guess growth would be the issue. So much more land to be developed. But you get more for your money atm. Lots of infrastructure going up in the area like the new town centre. I do like the idea of subdividing...
  7. Z

    Northern Adelaide new vs old ?

    Hi All Looking for peoples opinions on building new in say Munno Para vs old in say Craigmore/Elizabeth to even Paralowie etc? Seems that there is some good house/land packages atm as end of financial year. Probably get less land but a better house. Looking at spending under $250000...
  8. Z

    Equity release with conditions normal?

    Thanks guys for all your help :-) We have gone ahead with the pre approval so just waiting for them to ok it or not. Cheers Mick
  9. Z

    Equity release with conditions normal?

    Hi Tobe I guess we are going for around 88% LVR so I guess they are looking at it more closely. They said if we do 80% no issues.
  10. Z

    Equity release with conditions normal?

    It's with teachers mutual bank. Apparently its more that the LMI provider needs this to satisfy their criteria. Not really a huge issue just we thought we could take our time for our next purchase. The money I thought would just sit in the offset. Thanks Mick
  11. Z

    Equity release with conditions normal?

    Hi All Currently refinancing to release some equity and a better rate to purchase our next property with a new lender. We have asked for a high 80% equity release from our current two properties. They have come back with to be an ethical lender they need evidence of where the extra funds...
  12. Z

    4.49% - 3 year fixed rate but with a smaller lender?

    I might add that you need to be a teacher with evidence or a relative to take up this deal in my enquires, but a very good rate. Cheers Mick
  13. Z

    UN cross collateral loans

    Thanks for all your info :-) I guess my problem is plenty of equity in my old home but little in my new ppor which I guess would have to take out lmi. Will give Coery a buzz. Cheers Mick
  14. Z

    UN cross collateral loans

    Hi all How does UN x coll your loans actually work? Currently I have what was a bridging/construction loan that we have had for 4 years after not being unable to sell original ppor we turned it into our first ip and moved into our newly built ppor. I would now like to UN cross the loans...
  15. Z

    Elizabeth Downs -Hot lead for low cost Mortgagee Sale

    I have noticed 'Boystown', part of Playford Alive renewal have been doing up 2 or 3 houses down this street over the past month so looking a lot better but again not the best street but wouldn't say the worst. Cheers Mick