Search results

  1. W

    Keeping up with the JONES's

    Unfortunately, many people, both men and women seem to be caught up in the consumerism of life, and certainly were absent from their year 10 economics class in which the difference between a need (basic food, shelter, respect, love) and a want (97 foot boat, a McMansion on the waters edge, and a...
  2. W

    Other people investing in my trust

    Okay, I have ordered both of dales books, which should arrive soon. My question is this, if I want to run a trust/company which will develop properties (probably by optioning them, passing da's for subdivision, then selling them with basic services roads, electricity). ie not a buy and hold...
  3. W

    Standard option agreement

    Does anyone out there know of a standard option form, that can be used to tie up real estate for sale?. Have tried to research it, but there is very little on options (for re, heaps on shares).
  4. W

    Need a DEVELOPMENT subsection!

    Great site, I have only recently stumbled upon it. Have been at property investing .com for a while. Just thought I would offer a suggestion- that is, to start a development subsection, and transfer the archive development questions to it. Currently, if one wants info on subject to's...