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    Donald Trump coming to Australia

    For all of you, that are interested... Think like a Billionaire Seminar Coming to Sydney, Melbourne and the Gold Coast. Tickets, I believe are reasonable at $595 for "A" grade seating and $895 for Premium seating. Or if you got some spare cash...
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    Age of SS Members

    almost 30....
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    FREE Stuff - Lets share links

    :D FANTASTIC, :D JUST FANTASTIC, :D this has to be one the best posts of free stuff related to Property investing (bar of course this forum)... Nice post, keep us up to date Thanks again :D
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    Whats going on with car forums?

    Very cooool !!!!!!!! Really good read, thanks for putting a smile on my dial. Alv :D
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    Invitation (to Lurkers to participate)

    As being only a new member to the forum as of late, i will rebut why most of the lurkers stay lurkers for some time. 1. We are so busy trying to read all the good information there just isn't time yet to post. 2. We are afraid!! ;) 3. Some of us are only new comers to PI so asking...
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    With all the doom and gloom - is anyone buying?

    As only having a PPOR and getting finances in tow, ready for purchase, I agree with RIXTER, as said it is the time time in the cycle that will heal all mistakes. So with that said if and when I can find a deal that stacks up and looks like a good buy, I possible would be tempted Alv
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    SE Qld Property

    Willair, No this company did not sell herbal tea as a side line, I worked for the main company which then ran all business underneath it , in all areas - telemarketing, finance, RE, solicitors the lot. It was an interesting time, in the It dept we were constantly recreating companies and...
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    SE Qld Property

    Ajay, Only new to posting so here goes!! :eek: I use to work for one of these marketing scams a few years ago as one of their IT guys. I only stayed there for a year after realizing what was going on. The first thing when watching out for the scams is to do your own due dilligence...