Search results

  1. A

    Positive/Neutral Geared Properties in Melbourne - Where are they?

    We have 2 properties that are certainly positively geared in Melbourne - both are rented on 6-month leases, fully-furnished. This makes it a bit more work finding tenants every 6 months, but it results in a positive position of $2-7000 on each property per annum, depending on whether you take...
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    Best use of my money whilst I search for a property?

    Maybe try Ratesetter - new peer-to-peer lender just approved to operate in Australia. You can stick it in there by the month at around 6% I believe. Some risks involved, obviously.
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    Essentially unlimited, free desktop valuations.

    Does anyone know if uses the same valuation system, and can anyone comment on the accuracy of the values. One of my properties was pretty accurate, the other a little bit overzealous (~10%). If accurate, it's another essentially free source of valuations for...
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    Areas close to city over supply of apartments?

    I personally think the suburbs that actually contain these large developments will suffer as far as capital growth and rental yield on apartments. However, apartments in the other inner areas that don't allow the large tall developments will not suffer in the long term, as people will still seek...