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  1. P

    getting equity out

    Do they need proof of the purpose?
  2. P

    Cross-Collaterized - what next?

    my contracts for my 2 loans has two securities listed :(
  3. P

    Cross-Collaterized - what next?

    After reading this post, I just realised I fell for this trap one week ago after I did my refi from CBA to NAB. Originally I thought cross'ing meant joining 2 loans into 1 big loan but it looks like I made a very newbie mistake and clearly misunderstood the definition of crossing. Refi'ed mine...
  4. P

    IP in Sydney with budget ~550k-690k

    Not sure what you meant by "not have it go up by much"? I guess I should mention that they're both 2bedder units. Not houses, didn't have the money for houses at the time. I bought the first unit right before they ended the first home buy grant as PPOR. $465,000 at the time. The second unit...
  5. P

    IP in Sydney with budget ~550k-690k

    Hi All, I bought 2x 2bedders in Campsie as IPs which I manage privately. I've been buying them in late 2011 and late 2013. So I'm looking to use some of the equity for a 3rd in mid-late 2015 Both worth between 650-690k in current market as of today. Not sure if I should buy another one in...
  6. P

    Best variable interest rate???

    Your offset accounts does not count. It's just the loan balance that matters. I'd suggest you let cba know that are you willing to play hard ball and switch banks. Until then CBA will begin to provide you counter offers. Try see what other banks can do for you. Use that to negotiate. If not...
  7. P

    Best variable interest rate???

    If your total lending is 1mil and over, you should be able to get 4.35% with ease without touching your LVR.
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    Looking for broker

    I think the OP is entitled to a second opinion and taking a cautious approach. There are many brokers in the field. Without second opinions, how would one judge for himself/herself who's the right broker to deal with? Even though the OP maybe getting two conflicting opinions and may...
  9. P

    How much is Commonwealth Bank Charging you (Var Rate Compare)

    Did you renegotiated recently? Current setup: $365,000 @ 4.7% SVR $480,000 @ 4.78 Fixed (maturing end of this month) Just renegotiated with total lending of $935,000 @ 4.4% SVR
  10. P

    Best variable interest rate???

    No no! It's great that you pointed that out. So far I'm focused on staying with a major bank and looking for the best deal I can get in terms of interest rate. In terms of goals, I do intend to have a crack at getting a 3rd IP in 1 or 2 years depending on how the property market is going. So...
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    Frequency of switching banks

    Hi, Seeing how banks are very competitive with each other in recent times, would switching banks (for better rates or for better borrowing power) have a negative effect on our portfolio due to more frequent hits on our credit file? Thanks
  12. P

    Best variable interest rate???

    Thanks for your comment. Why is it that I should consider my short and long term goals as a factor in deciding to go with NAB or CBA? I was advised to stay with CBA despite the fact that NAB is able to offer a more competitive rate and is able to cover most of my refinancing cost. Would...
  13. P

    Best variable interest rate???

    Thanks for your comments on my position. In the mean time, I'm living with parents so therefore they're both IP's. Been calling up CBA in the recent weeks, to ask if they could match on some interest rates i've quoted. However, they haven't been following up my request at all until I've...
  14. P

    Best variable interest rate???

    Current Bank:CBA Current Interest Rate: 4.7% SVR Total Lending is $845,000 with 2 IPs LVR <70% So I just got passed on an offer from my broker. Bank:NAB Interest Rate: 4.32% Proposed total lending: $1,040,000 (Top up of $195,000) LVR @ 80% +1st year package fee waived +$1000...