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  1. S

    Loan for Land Development

    Thanks a lot Jess. The plan is to buy 600 sqm parcel now with an initial payment. Then when the DA approval happens in a couple of years down the line, I would need to bring in the development cost for my piece of land. All these time, I would have a unit certificate saying that I own 600 sqm...
  2. S

    Loan for Land Development

    Does any one here know if there is any loan available for DA approved undivided land? Say I?ve got a 600 sqm block of a 300 acres property which has got the DA approval. Will any bank or financial institution provide me loan to develop that land? The land would still be undivided and under a...
  3. S

    Undeveloped & Undivided Land in Western Sydney

    Btw, does anyone here know if there's any loan available for DA approved undivided lands?
  4. S

    Undeveloped & Undivided Land in Western Sydney

    I could be wrong, but I don't think it got rezoned as part of the SWGC. I'm looking to spend somewhere around 60K now and another 120K once the DA approval is completed for a 600 sqm block.
  5. S

    Undeveloped & Undivided Land in Western Sydney

    It's currently marked as a Precinct in SWGC website, yet to be released for planning. It says in the NSW growth centre planning website that with proper precinct planning it enables rezoning to generally take place within 2 years compared to 7-8 years previously...
  6. S

    Undeveloped & Undivided Land in Western Sydney

    I was under the impression the developers can apply for rezoning a land. How do you find out whether a land is marked for rezoning under a draft LEP? From the council? This site is in the South West Growth Centre precinct list, yet to be released for planning.
  7. S

    Undeveloped & Undivided Land in Western Sydney

    Hi, I've come across a project of buying a block of undivided and undeveloped land in South West Sydney. The total land area has not been rezoned yet. It'll take roughly 3-4 years for the rezoning and DA approval process. I'm pretty optimistic about the growth in that area with the proposed...