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  1. AXXO

    Good Tax Joke (it actually happened)

    HERE IS AN EXAMPLE of the importance of accuracy in your tax return. This one from a UK Taxpayer. HMRC has returned the Tax Return to a man in Evesham after he apparently answered one of the questions incorrectly. In response to the question; "Do you have anyone dependent on you?" the man...
  2. AXXO

    Noranda Perth Renovation

    Hi Guys, haven't been around lately due to being busy with work and spending a lot of my time on professional development. I've just purchased a 700sqm 4 x 2 house on Benara Rd Noranda. I haven't decided whether to move in or renovate & sell. We can do the renovations, landscaping, etc in...
  3. AXXO

    Any changes to foreigners owning property in Bali

    As far as I know, if you want to invest in a property in Bali the title must be held by an Indonesian citizen. A client of mine says they heard that's changed but I cannot find anything about it. Anyone know? Thanks