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  1. aidan_opan

    Rp data vs Residex

    Is there any difference between the two?
  2. aidan_opan


    I have sold shares on the stockmarket which i have held over the 12 month period, hence subject to CGT rule. The profit that I have made have taken me to the top marginal tax bracket. Is there anything that I can do to minimise my tax payable?
  3. aidan_opan

    proposed heritage listing

    hi guys, The local council is considering to list my property as a heritage item. Are there any advantages from this happening at all? They said that I can submit a letter of objection, but what do I put in it? do I need legal council? thanks
  4. aidan_opan

    Freak occurrence or is someone at fault?

    I bought an IP 6 months ago and ordered a building inspection report. Today the tenants have found everything is the garage is wet. I have had a look and the roof of the garage is fine, but the rain is actually seeping through the brick work and causing the garage to be drenched. I have rung the...
  5. aidan_opan

    discretionary to hybrid

    Can you switch from being a discretionary trust to being hybrid trust?
  6. aidan_opan

    Cement tiles vs Terracotta

    I am in need of replacing my roof tiles. I have heard that cement tiles have the problem of cracking over time as opposed to terracotta which meant to last . Can anyone verify this? Alternatively I am thinking of jut using corrugated iron as the cheaper alternative. Any advice will help.
  7. aidan_opan

    Building inspection

    I had recently had a building inspection done on my IP prepurchase. I have subsequently found a major leak from the second floor bathroom into the kitchen area directly underneath. Can anyone here advise me as to what action I can take against the building inspection company and what sort of...