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  1. B

    Protecting PPOR from Litigation

    I agree with previous posts, but only to a certain extent. It really depends on what reason your may be "attacked" for. See HIH & cases. ie it did'nt work for them. Also check what your biz insurance covers, read all that fine print.
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    Messy Land Situation

    my experience with vacant land: Cows are good, Horeses are not. moOO0O
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    House prices in freefall

    L Bernham makes some interesting and valid points. Just because you don't always agree with them (neither do I) don't mean he is to be flamed. Unlike most he also has the courage and conviction to post them, with his reasoning behind them. Yes there is a chance that prices may decrease...
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    Land Tax is SENDING US BROKE

    Sounds like your making a big drama and grossly exagerating. I pay land tax, most of it being for vacant land and it's really bugger all in the scheme of things. Imagine when the interest rates keep going up....
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    To everything , turn , turn ,turn. There is a season ......

    He'll probly buy it anyway....the boom stops when they've all done their dough. There are still a few more left it seems.
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    Thousands ditch investment plan

    Just another recession we have to have. suits me fine, best time to buy
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    Another fun ebay sale

    did i mention I am a virgin? :eek:
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    What have your friends been saying to you .

    I tend to agree with Jacque. I've learned long ago not to talk IP's when I'm around others who do not invest in real estate or much else. I try to avoid the topic. If some seems really interested in IP's I might meet later on a one on one basis and proceed very cautiously. When I'm with...
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    The first share guru of the season

    At least that seminar is FREE....
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    What have your friends been saying to you .

    It seems to me they really have no opinion and are happy to repeat whatever they hear on the news, tv or even worse the sunday papers. They love repeating what they read in those advertorials you find in the thick weekend papers about how apartments are the best type of real estate investment...
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    I waited for 6 months and lost $27K. Are you doing the same?

    Go np2003! I'm cheering for ya mate! :D Do your calcs, then go for it. Life is about making your dreams come true. Make sure you run the figures past a trusted accountant. Make sure you speak to people who alredy live in the area as well. You seem to be in the higher end of the market...
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    What to do with some spare cash?

    How can he have "too much much money" and not be able to afford a 700K property? Obviously he does'nt have enough!
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    Would you buy at is 4.75% Return

    For the area the return is reasonable. Returns are usually lower then that. Do your research on the area as their are many changes happening. You also need to look at your tax situation as well as discuss it with your trusty accountant. I sold (2001)in a higher cashflow area to buy in a more...
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    trust Distribution issue

    Can the distribution be paid into one or more superfunds of the beneficaries? bbg2003
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    investing too much passive income

    Dale, do these rules (20k & 3/5 yrs) apply for a company, sole trader or both? thanks bbg2003
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    Best time to sell a unit in Brisbane?

    Wow what a great method to decide when to buy or sell : The current affairs program on the TV.....:eek: :eek: :eek:
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    Loan to trust - Issues. HELP!

    Seems like a big lack of confience with no personal guarantee. Most people do personally guarantee their loans which is why they can borrow so much. So why would you not personally gurantee that you will repay the loan that the trust you control takes out? bbg2003
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    Navra fund performance now online

    Anything with proof can be stated in a prospectus! Everything needed to make an informed decision MUST and SHOULD be stated in the prospectus!!! Well I'll just make a submission to ASIC and see if they agree with me. Acey, some of us spent years trading (Bill many more than me), most of the...
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    House prices in freefall

    Those conclusions (either way) are based on "Median prices" which taken out of context by journos grabbing headlines (and RE's) are much more decieving than informing. Reality is a little more complex. dig deep bbg2003
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    Navra fund performance now online

    Hi jamie, I dont like marketing (advertorial) seminars, seen to many. No need to see it in motion, audited trading statements will do fine. The whole reason of the prospectus is so investors can make an informed decision. ALL information pertinent to the company, including past and future...