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    Rental yields don't figure (article from the age)

    As you would guess I love an article about yield ...
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    Income to Rent Ratio

    All, I'm interested to know what is "typical" for a renter to spend on rent as a percentage of income. You would see people's incomes on their rental applications so must have some idea if you've held a rental property for sometime. I'm particularly interested about the top end of the...
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    Lower house prices can make you happy All - I thought this was a fantastic article (from the UK). Sums up my view on the social / macroeconomic side exactly.
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    Rent Rises - What is the truth?

    What rent rise did you achieve in the last year? Take the rent you were receiving as at March 07 and then compare it to the rent you were receiving in March / April 08? Further to that where is your IP? I sense some BS on the rent price rise data out in the media. See below. According to...
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    Inflation - Your Friend?

    All, I often hear the claim in this forum that inflation helps a geared investor because the asset value will increase, the rent received will increase, but the loan will stay the same. Or to put it another way the real value of the loan will decline to a level that is very small over time...
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    Residential Investment No Longer Safe It is amazing for me to see how quickly the mob (the media) change. It was only 12 months ago that I was lamenting that the media just keep fueling it. This article sums up my thoughts well. I actually...
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    Banks Exposed

    Link here. The whole interview (it's on video too) is interesting. Any mortgage brokers out there? Is it true what they are saying? Are the banks pulling back on lending especially via brokers?
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    Did you build something when you invested?

    Just curious as to how many people here built something when they invested in property.
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    Government caving in?

    All, I think governments (state and local) perform terribly regarding their responsiblities on housing. They restrict supply on the fringes while at the same time putting endless hurdles up for inner city development. They build little or only user-pay infrustructure, they levy high taxes...
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    Morgan Stanley Outlook for 2008 All - see a link to the Morgan Stanley Global Economic Forum outlook for for Australia in 2008 (other countries are there too). There comments about the highly leveraged household in Australia is not news - they seem to be...
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    Rising House Prices - Good or Bad

    Rising house prices are great for investors sitting on housing assets - no doubt about it. But are rising house prices good for the economic health of society? There seems to be a strange cultural situation in Australia. Rising prices of anything else sucks - petrol, food, - oh no, this is...
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    Australia's Iceberg Good article above. Sums up exactly what I've been thinking. The effect on property prices? Down - in a big way I expect.
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    Micro markets in realestate

    Do micro markets exist independently of the macro situation in realestate? I've had this argument with many on this forum. The argument is generally this "I don't care about the macro factors as my particular location will be fine - it is special (for whatever reason)". I think all areas are...
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    A lose-lose election for home buyers

    All - an article today in The Age by Steve Keen. I fully agree with him. Maybe it is time for a little short term speculation? This will push prices up for a little while if they actually go ahead with it. No change to my long term view though...
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    Logic Police Thread - the really DIFFICULT questions ...

    Hi all ... Cut and paste from the general thread: ****** I have had an absolute blast debating the issues with people on this forum. People on the whole are pretty accomodating and interested to chat. But at the same time I've also go on people's nerves and I can understand why...
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    I suggest the 'logic police' should move house!

    I have had an absolute blast debating the issues with people on this forum. People on the whole are pretty accomodating and interested to chat. But at the same time I've also go on people's nerves and I can understand why. This section of the forum is clearly for people who aren't...
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    Investment Property vs Alternative Investment Calculator

    All, Just a follow up to a previous discussion on another thread. I was talking about evaluating a property investment against your next best investment (i.e. including your opportunity cost in the evaluation). My position is that with the very low rental yields then you must have capital...
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    Is there a limit to household debt?

    The Brisbane thread was getting way off topic so I've cut and pasted it here if anybody wants to continue the debt discussion .... (maybe not!) ************ Hi Kenneth - To your previous post I think governments have behaved badly (infrustructure, land release) but I don't think this is a...
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    Looking for a good tenant in Brisbane?

    Hi all - I'm not sure if this is allowed - This is my first post. I (like most people I expect) sort of clicked through the rules section fairly quickly when signing up. I'm posting to offer myself as a good tenant if any landlords are interested - you can send me a private message if you are...