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  1. Aaron Sice

    Landmark courses

    Naturopathy - Check out Endeavour College, Perth. World Recognised Course.
  2. Aaron Sice

    Landmark courses

    *SIGH* if you're gonna agree with the French govt on anything, then i end my participation.
  3. Aaron Sice

    Landmark courses

    man if you're gonna chuck in the towel like a spat dummy then fine, take your double psych major, along with your bat and ball, and go home. i'm just putting another viewpoint out there, WW. you don't like the course - fine! you don't have to. but it's obvious it works for a great many people...
  4. Aaron Sice

    Landmark courses

    if you don't understand what i'm saying then cool, i'l try to explain a little more, but if you do, and disagree, then i'll accept that we don't see eye to eye and am happy to move on.
  5. Aaron Sice

    Landmark courses

    while they're very touching stories WW - honestly - just because Landmark is linked to both does not mean it doesn't help people, or that landmark had anything to do with the inherent failure of an obviously proven system. If i did landmark, i'd be in the same situation as Friend X. why? time...
  6. Aaron Sice

    Landmark courses

    ....what's your point....?
  7. Aaron Sice

    Landmark courses

    how people go about finding themselves is their own business. understanding yourself better may or may not help you move on with your life, end a rut or grow personally. i think everyone just need to back the f_k up a bit.