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  1. Aaron Sice

    Is Australia facing the first recession in 20 years?

    CBA are also selling australian mortgage backed securities overseas as part of a CDS/CDO scheme.
  2. Aaron Sice

    Is Australia facing the first recession in 20 years?

    IR cuts aren't stimulus because they had next to no effect on the dollar and no real effect to the rate that joe average was paying.
  3. Aaron Sice

    Is Australia facing the first recession in 20 years?

    yeah - Lang Hancock was no God.
  4. Aaron Sice

    Is Australia facing the first recession in 20 years?

    you mean stagflation....? i agree 100%
  5. Aaron Sice

    Is Australia facing the first recession in 20 years?

    why not? it cost 3g of gold to buy a loaf of bread in ZMB when their currency collapsed.
  6. Aaron Sice

    Is Australia facing the first recession in 20 years?

    Au is also up to $1820+ by xmas too, so it's a no win situation to wait or buy now. actually,- that's a "no lose" situation....:eek:
  7. Aaron Sice

    Is Australia facing the first recession in 20 years?

    really.....? is that necessary? this isn't Parliament Question Time. :rolleyes:
  8. Aaron Sice

    Is Australia facing the first recession in 20 years?

    in theory then, wouldn't hobo's predictions require MORE fall, not LESS thereby effectively increasing his position in his overall predictions, thereby going against what he's been saying all along? sorry - you seem to be tying yourself in knots trying to suggest that hobo has altered his...
  9. Aaron Sice

    Is Australia facing the first recession in 20 years?

    yeah i gotta admit, i don't remember it being that early either. Sept 09 was more like when the "predictions" by everyone, bulls and bears alike, started.
  10. Aaron Sice

    Is Australia facing the first recession in 20 years?

    i would say it's correct - but considering Australia's STELLAR income growth over the past 10 years, some consolidation is in order. much like house prices - insanely high growth rates for nigh on a decade and then a 10% pull back mean little when your primary asset has still tripled in value...
  11. Aaron Sice

    Is Australia facing the first recession in 20 years?

    GDP is so easy to fudge - being done already. look at the "nominal GDP" "growth" in the USA - bascially the US Fed buys US Treasury bonds with counterfiet money that the taxpayer will have to pay back plus interest. then rig the LIBOR rate affecting that interest payable and yay!
  12. Aaron Sice

    Is Australia facing the first recession in 20 years?

    the two are clearly defined as different items. the RBA does the same, so i dont understand the negative and cynical undertones from everyone about it when BoC do it?
  13. Aaron Sice

    Is Australia facing the first recession in 20 years?

    yay for pats on the back. now we need to determine the kinds of pats allowed and how often they are delivered. i hereby propose an act to ..... :rolleyes:
  14. Aaron Sice

    Is Australia facing the first recession in 20 years?

    premium? have you missed the lawsuits against them for advising one thing and another happening entirely....? and what's your point bear? just trying to derail a conversation, or do you have anything new to add?
  15. Aaron Sice

    Is Australia facing the first recession in 20 years?

    considering the money was made from nothing, i really don't see how this could be a problem?
  16. Aaron Sice

    Is Australia facing the first recession in 20 years?

    yep - trying to shout form the roof tops but the bears with the megahorns and the bulls with the loudspeakers are drowing it all out.
  17. Aaron Sice

    Is Australia facing the first recession in 20 years?

    i wholly agree with this statement.
  18. Aaron Sice

    Is Australia facing the first recession in 20 years?

    DANG! sol even if WA was halved those numbers would still look "average" is a good market, let alone a bad one.
  19. Aaron Sice

    Is Australia facing the first recession in 20 years?

    remember though, this will include all that lovely confetti that Swanny borrowed in the last budget reform "thingo". i wonder just how much of it really is WA based, then? but of course, this goes unreported so sentiment will be based pretty much solely on the quoted 1.3%.