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    Early retirement

    Amen to that. I was forced out of the paypacket regime but I am so thankful in the end.
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    Early retirement

    It's definitely more enjoyable. Do what I want, when I want to. Have meetings for 10 minutes rather than long, drawn out 2 hour marathons from people who want to get their 2 cents in to show how intelligent they are... Of course it is more difficult to get the money in but it's worth it
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    Early retirement

    Oh and as for the retirement thing - I don't think I will ever 'retire'. Work is my life, life is my work.
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    Early retirement

    I know it was a little off-topic. Point is the previous poster was talking about how we are trained to be enslaved to debt - which is linked to our education system about 'getting a job' etc. Not saying it is wrong, just saying that is what it is.
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    Early retirement

    Indeed. University, schools etc all enforce the mindset that we have to be 'promoted', do a 'good job' for others etc. Get better educated to get a higher salary (as if!)