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  1. A

    $500K PPOR - variable rate 5.7%

    No what I'm saying is that the $375 annual fee is an effective increase in the interest rate of 0.075%, so rather than paying 5.7% you are paying 5.775%. That is what the comparison rate is for.
  2. A

    $500K PPOR - variable rate 5.7%

    Assuming that you service easily then you can get a bit better than that. But it really depends on other factors since ANZ's breakfree package is a $375 annual fee which is another 0.075% on a $500,000 loan.
  3. A

    $500K PPOR - variable rate 5.7%

    It is not the best rate you can get but what is your situation? Is it a refinance or purchase? Are you self employed? PAYG? What features do you need?