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    WA - are you ready...?

    would be a financial disaster not to proceed now
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    WA - are you ready...?

    the chances of it not proceeding are slim however it is only 55mtpa
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    WA - are you ready...?

    not looking too shabby as it is... what price are you hoping for??
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    WA - are you ready...?

    this one's a goer. 35-70mtpa yeh yeh I know, 70m aint much in the scheme of things, what's $3.5bn yaddah yaddah
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    WA - are you ready...?

    no - chinese growth collapsed, the south east became an economic manufacturing powerhouse and WA has nothing of value to offer
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    WA - are you ready...?

    how can WA "kick in" any money? we can barely support the café strips of Melbourne and Sydney
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    WA - are you ready...?

    yes and they can promptly ignore us and keep coming anyway
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    WA - are you ready...?

    in reality it's Mandurah to Joondalup = 1 freo to midland = 1 Armadale = 1 total = 3
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    WA - are you ready...?

    thank god you are around to save us all
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    WA - are you ready...?

    IRs need to be set appropriately, the RBA has consistently held them too high. if they are too high they are too high. past failure is no excuse for continuing to fail
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    WA - are you ready...?

    yes it does make sense, tho NT, Qld and WA should be grouped together. SA could go either way. probably best to follow the WW2 line that ruled off the south east. It would be good for both countries, the south east could devalue their $ and be a supplier to the north west. the NW could break up...
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    WA - are you ready...?

    probably because they have all flown home to Sydney and NZ
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    WA - are you ready...?

    economy needs an immediate .5 IR reduction. Once again, too little too late, always behind the 8 ball
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    WA - are you ready...?

    "About nine months ago we started warning investors to be wary of the Port Hedland market and other mega-priced markets in the north of Western Australia, including Karratha." a little dig there at Karratha that has nothing to do with the rest of the article "The median house price for...
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    WA - are you ready...?

    is this different to the one started in May? I am getting confused as they just seem to be in a constant state of it. along with constant rumours of a new one starting. as some bloke said to me yesterday, mining is all finished :eek:
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    WA - are you ready...?

    agree with this, it is still a healthy growth trajectory even if some of the horses like browse are delayed. throw in some of the stuff that the likes of Sirius, Buru, Iron Ore Holdings are onto and the ska project and this is a continuing growth story.
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    WA - are you ready...?

    did this happen?
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    WA - are you ready...?

    yep sounds fairly typical. So still I wait for this expert banking source to come forth and show his face and facts
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    WA - are you ready...?

    exports from operations is pretty much irrelevant as they are largely foreign owned. the set up phase is reasonably irrelevant as most of the hardware is imported. exploration is good work tho. the main game is the royalties, most of which flow to Sydbourne. however there are still plenty of...
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    WA - are you ready...?

    no one will pay more than they have to, however $500 per room per week is cheap compared to the cost of accommodation camps