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  1. B

    Somersoft Spreadsheet Collection

    It probably says it may contain malicious material. This is a normal warning when opening many file types. If you trust the source you should let it open or you won't be able to use the file
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    Somersoft Spreadsheet Collection

    blw101 thanks for sharing cheers
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    Somersoft Spreadsheet Collection

    Steve You'll probably benefit from looking at my " PERSONAL+ SMSF Holdings" spreadsheet I uploaded in the thread below because you can see what impact a tax deduction has on your taxable income. I tried to keep it simple to read and understand but if you have any questions feel free to...
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    Somersoft Spreadsheet Collection

    Jase Don't waste your money, there are many free spreadsheets including the one attached here. However, I feel that you're rushing things. You're buying something off the plan in a market which has been increasing by double digits for 2 years in a row so what equity are you talking about...