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  1. BayView

    Somersoft vs Propertyinvesting forum

    How about we just insert a general disclaimer at the top of every post or thread, or every page that simply says; "do so at your own risk" or "opinion only, seek professional advice" etc - like what I've done at the bottom of my page. This is, of course, how the whole world should be. We...
  2. BayView

    Somersoft vs Propertyinvesting forum

    Even with professional advice, the end decision on what action to take is in the hands of the person asking for that advice. For me, I weight the difference in types of advice based on the professional expertise and experience behind that advice. And, by professional, I don't necessarily...
  3. BayView

    Somersoft vs Propertyinvesting forum

    Is he still there? Or did he sneak over here under a different name?
  4. BayView

    Somersoft vs Propertyinvesting forum

    That's probably the Chardy. ;)
  5. BayView

    Somersoft vs Propertyinvesting forum

    aaah! so it's all your fault Wylie!! :D
  6. BayView

    Somersoft vs Propertyinvesting forum

    I started off over there. It was good back then, but there started to get some quite vicious and destructive types hangin' around. That wasn't the main problem; I got into some great arguments with a few of them, but then I found here somehow. The mood was/is different; warmer...