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  1. BayView

    What to invest in?

    Exactly; I still reckon you need to research the company before buying - even if they appear to be solid. That last post of mine was actually a facetious one, aimed at the "blanket" advise that most F.A's do give. Imagine that advice just a year or three before the '29 crash. :( S.F...
  2. BayView

    What to invest in?

    It did. Don't know about 2000-10. I read a book about the "behind the scenes" activities of the preceding years of the (1929) crash, and what peoples' moods and thoughts were etc. It was a strong, almost hysterical drive as people were clambering to get into the action apparently, and...
  3. BayView

    What to invest in?

    My post contained neither of these two words. I'm not saying they will, or quickly What I was throwing out there is that a strong company will be a safer bet. They are more likely to survive. Now, the other aspect of this is what the (historically strong) companies' futures will be based on...
  4. BayView

    What to invest in?

    I hear the warning SF. My (uneducated) head tells me though, that if you can be brave and buy the cheaper shares of reputable and solid companies, with good solid ongoing business, lower LVR and substantial assets - i.e they ain't going anywhere other than to lose a bit of value - then surely...
  5. BayView

    What to invest in?

    I agree with the above mentality, but this is not the same scenario that you were talking about here:
  6. BayView

    What to invest in?

    On a serious note, for new investors (and indeed almost every adult on the planet); the chances are that you will have some personal (and non-deductible) debt. So, unless you suddenly become an overnight guru at shares and can turn $8k into $16k in one day, or hour; I'd be plowing all the $8k...