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  1. BayView

    Money Irresponsibility - Needs - Wants

    And then there is the lazy, un-involved parent (which makes me want to ask them why they had kids in the first place). One of my son's sometime-time friends (sees him occasionally outside of school) has a younger sister (approx 7 years) who - according to the Mother - is struggling with...
  2. BayView

    Money Irresponsibility - Needs - Wants

    It's the same in many walks of life. In my past life as a teaching golf pro, I have heard the same information about how to create/make various swing positions and movements occur explained in several different ways. Some of them make so much logical sense, and are so simple, you wonder how it...
  3. BayView

    Money Irresponsibility - Needs - Wants

    I think the trick with RK's book/s is that he writes it in such an easy-to-get way, which all of us who read it can easily understand and go with. The comparison of the two dad's who were (seemingly) from similar upbringings and backgrounds, yet ended up so vastly different financially really...