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  1. BayView

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    So, let's get rid of it, and the rents will go up. Great for me. Let's see how the school leavers moving out of home afford the rent - as they have been doing for generations and generations.
  2. BayView

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    The scam is that any "warming" (and is yet to be proved - I think the world average temp in the last 30 years is one third of a degree?) is that it is perpetuated by humans. Here's something for your digestion; and was reported on The Bolt Report by one of Australia's leading marine scientists...
  3. BayView

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    Andrew Bolt has quoted the same figure using the comments from numerous scientists. In fact; the estimates of the scientists was somewhere between 1/1000th and 3/1000ths of a degree from memory. Amazingly, not one of the folk from the pro CO2 tax camp will go on his show and debate the issue...
  4. BayView

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    But it's CARBON DIOXIDE. It's not a pollution; it has already been agreed by several scientists - on both sides - that CO2 is actually beneficial to the plants, and hence almost all life on the planet. Someone has convinced a lot of people that the word "carbon" means horrible pollution that...
  5. BayView

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    The thing that gets lost in this whole topic is the fact that no matter who wins, who loses, how many jobs get cut (and there will be a few), how many get created (doubtful), at the end of the day the world's temp may or may not change by about .3 of a degree............... let me repeat that...