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  1. BayView

    Everything's on sale....

    Maybe your mechanic has less staff than last year? The fact that they are not available isn't an indicator; we can easily get 3 head gasket jobs in one week which will blow out our service bookings for a week in advance, yet the services overall might be down in volume (and they are). We are...
  2. BayView

    Everything's on sale....

    Halleluja! Someone who finally gets what I've been saying; This is what we are seeing in the industry (and not just our industry). I don't need some news report to tell me what's goin' on. The trends in the market place tell you, and what my customers/reps tell me.. The suits on the The Hill...
  3. BayView

    Everything's on sale....

    If wholesalers start selling "out the back door" to the public, and they have a retail outlet system/network in place, the ramifications if they are discovered by the retailers would be disastrous for the wholesaler. I have seen this happen.
  4. BayView

    Everything's on sale....

    I agree. I've been bangin' on that things aren't that flash in retail for a while, so I don't hold what he says as the gospel. Just informing all what he said.
  5. BayView

    Everything's on sale....

    I agree, yet what amazes me is I heard Michael Pascoe on Sunrise this morning sprouting how retail is still trending up, and it's only the Myers and Coles and GH's who are bleating - according to him..