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  1. BayView

    How do you 'get over' stuff?

    I hate it when I'm shifting the full-grain leather couch a few inches so it's exactly square in front of my 60" plasma, and I get my big toe caught under it...bloody hurts.
  2. BayView

    How do you 'get over' stuff?

    Partly parents, but also a good deal of media influence. Our kids are saturated these days (unless you take away every techno gadget) with ads, mags, music video, tv shows etc depicting kids/teenagers/young adults living the life, gettin' everything they want and never having a responsibility...
  3. BayView

    How do you 'get over' stuff?

    True, but the lady needs to look at the wider pic; it's an event done by millions, so it can be done by her. This is true of many issues we all face on a daily basis, and once we see how tough everyone else has it; we can move forward with the proverbial half-empty cup of concrete, and guzzle...
  4. BayView

    How do you 'get over' stuff?

    Um; my wife has done this x 3, as I'm sure many other mothers have done........ next problem. Having said that; PND is a real concern, and should be referred to the correct people to help. Most hospitals can suggest who to turn to.
  5. BayView

    How do you 'get over' stuff?

    These sorts of conversations - as an employer - make my blood boil. The fact that in this Country we get paid to not go to work because we choose to have a baby, and then get your job held over for 6 or 12 months until you are ready to come back is a huge enough bonus in itself. Being able...