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  1. Belbo

    Gladstone QLD - How is it Going????

    That's just one heck of a kind offer to my mind, Justme. I wish I had the readies myself, because I'd love to invest there, and you are offering help just for the joy in it. Thanks for being such a good sport, and I hope someone here will get in contact with you for a real local's recky. :)
  2. Belbo

    Gladstone QLD - How is it Going????

    I think that's what they call a 'bull market'. Good luck getting an answer from any agent, by the sounds of things. They're too busy selling to listen to mere 'inquiries'. It's either time for some serious cheque-book diplomacy or an opt out (of jail free card). Hot zone rules apply!
  3. Belbo

    Gladstone QLD - How is it Going????

    Any vendors in Gladdy willing to take an IOU?
  4. Belbo

    Gladstone QLD - How is it Going????

    This is not good! I'm tapped out, and something's going ballistic here - I can just feel it. Good on you if you can get in, you *******s!