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  1. Belbo

    Unemployment up to 5.3% (10 month high)

    That's does it: I kill you!
  2. Belbo

    Unemployment up to 5.3% (10 month high)

    Good question. Wondering about this myself, this evening I came across an altogether surprising research paper that concluded - Basically, well-off people apparently feel happier paying for more social welfare than in other well-off countries, as long as they can have an un-means tested...
  3. Belbo

    Unemployment up to 5.3% (10 month high)

    Fair point. So I take it your sole stock market play these days would be writing puts on industrial stocks, right? (Personally, I've been buying Port Hedland real estate to get at least some exposure to the only game in town.)
  4. Belbo

    Unemployment up to 5.3% (10 month high)

    Ah, but how much more will I have I paid in stamp duties, mortgage registration fees, land taxes, and eventual CGT? And wasn't I one of those same taxpayers throughout? Nor did the relatively small negative gearing contribution 'cover' my loss. It simply reduced it: I still carried a far...
  5. Belbo

    Unemployment up to 5.3% (10 month high)

    Almost as much as I love Tax Benefit Part A, Tax Benefit Part B, Tax Benefit Part C, Tax Benefit Part D, Tax Benefit . . . Part Z.
  6. Belbo

    Unemployment up to 5.3% (10 month high)

    Tim, selling public housing (or 99 yr leases to it) in Millers Point to fund a great deal more public housing in less expensive locations elsewhere is exactly what is happening. Predictably, public housing tenants currently there - and Clover Moore of course - are opposed to it, but curiously...
  7. Belbo

    Unemployment up to 5.3% (10 month high)

    A voice in favour of reason rather than recrimination. That's the point, isn't it: They're holding you back? It's a sorry day when someone makes their measure - indeed, advocates a measure - against the losers in this thing called the human race. But I do understand, you personally didn't...
  8. Belbo

    Unemployment up to 5.3% (10 month high)

    I think it's incorrectly called the 'missionary position', but he's explicitly on his very, very last chance, and has in fact been working like a Trojan all week (including stepping up to work sorely-needed overtime this Saturday morning). It's not just a question of patience though: Replace...
  9. Belbo

    Unemployment up to 5.3% (10 month high)

    That's where our taxes go? No, I already knew that. Just joking. I can't stop laughing.
  10. Belbo

    Unemployment up to 5.3% (10 month high)

    Do you really think unions are interested in the unemployed? Have you ever heard of last on - first off? There's even the term 'workerism', referring to the union movement's antipathy toward distributing resources to anyone but themselves, particularly the unemployed. Left-wing: What does...
  11. Belbo

    Unemployment up to 5.3% (10 month high)

    Mate, you Nouvocastrians haven't got a thing on Syringe Central here in Surry Hills. Sydney Harbour views from 2 bedrooms 10 floors up on rental assistance no less, with Clover Moore hosting parties for the annual survivors in the park below, and not a single sucessful stockbroking job...
  12. Belbo

    Unemployment up to 5.3% (10 month high)

    You make a good point, Tim. There's something seriously amiss today with both governance and people's education around welfare. It seems like everyone now feels like they each individually deserve something from the public purse - and therefore gets it - on principle. What started out as a...
  13. Belbo

    Unemployment up to 5.3% (10 month high)

    Yep, I know that problem only too well. Now, I schedule all interviews to happen only between 7.30 and 8.00am. It sorts the wheat from chaff real quick!
  14. Belbo

    Unemployment up to 5.3% (10 month high)

    It's got nothing to do with voting Labor. What I'm suggesting is that the welfare state is both necessary and pernicious. Welfare systems came into being because societies weren't working well without them. Poverty, crime and disaffection had a serious social price too. But today we seem to...
  15. Belbo

    Unemployment up to 5.3% (10 month high)

    I've just been advertising for an experienced stonemason for the last couple of weeks. Almost no local interest whatsoever. A couple of people rang up saying they wanted the job but didn't know what a stonemason was, or thought it was a mispelling of storeman and said they could pick and pack...