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  1. Belbo

    "Australian Exceptionalism"

    Yep. That's the one. The same lovely old billious tirade you've been spewing forth for the last couple of years. So, if a rightwing-shaped purge of these unpatriotic elements for the sake of the long-suffering good Aussie small businessman isn't the solution, what pray is? :rolleyes:
  2. Belbo

    "Australian Exceptionalism"

    Exactly, so let me clarify then what I was getting at . . . . I think you are meaning to imply that despite this temporary mining boom, 'unpatriotic elements' (i.e. bludgers, louts, immigrants and global corporations) are systematically ruining the country, aided and abetted by the leftwing...
  3. Belbo

    "Australian Exceptionalism"

    Okay then. Discussion engaged. So, what have your concerns of "ageing population, a lower-socio economic under-class, gangs, immigration, boat people, power bills and Ebay" logically got to do with low growth outside of the mining sector? The answer is, of course, somewhere between very...
  4. Belbo

    "Australian Exceptionalism"

    Stop your bluddy whinging. :p
  5. Belbo

    "Australian Exceptionalism"

    What? I've clearly stated only the relevant facts. Countries meddle. They do because they can, and feel they must do so in their national interest. The international system of states is premised on this principle. Islamic terrorists refuse to accept the basic legitimacy of this...
  6. Belbo

    "Australian Exceptionalism"

    NZ did meddle. It a paid. Aust did meddle. It paid a terrible price. I repeat, all countries meddle where they can. It's not a blanket statement. It's international political reality. It's a blanket fact. Countries pursue their percieved national interest at every opportunity...
  7. Belbo

    "Australian Exceptionalism"

    NZ is a mere pissant in international affairs, as the Rainbow Warrior event aptly proved. Australia however paid severely for "bringing terrorism on itself" with its perceived meddling on Islamic soil alongside the US in Bali in 2002, as you'll well remember. I know it's easy to resort...
  8. Belbo

    "Australian Exceptionalism"

    Really? Please do explain. You make very subtle distictions between the politics of meddling US-style and meddling by others, yet you appear incapable of employing the same subtlety in analysing right wing politics.
  9. Belbo

    "Australian Exceptionalism"

    Oh dear, I've been exposed. Alright! I've been chanelling J.S. Mill all along. There, are you happy now? He is the liberal the neo-cons call a socialist, I know. Forgive me. The shame is unbearable.
  10. Belbo

    "Australian Exceptionalism"

    No, I was as always sure to cut and paste such an ineloquent atrocity. Nonetheless, the best of the season's greetings, and my own appreciation for your input into making this forum an interesting place are reciprocated. We'll spar again soon, I hope.
  11. Belbo

    "Australian Exceptionalism"

    We followed the US into WWI? (Note to self: Be sure to check the date on that ANZUS Treaty before going foot in mouth.) And for your own personal benefit, "elequant" can mean nothing if not rendered 'eloquent'. (At least, not since 5th grade.)
  12. Belbo

    "Australian Exceptionalism"

    It's Labor, not labour. Try to at least not to demean any possible merit your argument harbours on grounds of completely rank ignorance.
  13. Belbo

    "Australian Exceptionalism"

    Firstly, there's no question that Australia did here, always has since WWII, and probably will for a very long time continue to, blindly follow the US into wars. But this is longstanding Labor Party policy (just as much as it is Coalition policy): Preserve the ANZUS Treaty charade of...
  14. Belbo

    "Australian Exceptionalism"

    Um, let's see. :rolleyes: The democratically elected leader was taken down by a pack of faceless men in a backroom coup, delivering a gala performance thereafter that the public - you'll have to admit - widely admires as deserving of a thorough electoral enema. I'm not saying the Labor...
  15. Belbo

    "Australian Exceptionalism"

    Evan, Much as I agree with everything - and I do mean everything - you've written against today's Liberals, I can't agree with your defence of today's Labor Party. They are no doubt inspired by a more tolerant, equitable and responsible sentiment, but they are seriously underperforming - if...
  16. Belbo

    "Australian Exceptionalism"

    Beware the words of Mordor, little Hobbits!
  17. Belbo

    "Australian Exceptionalism"

    ^^^ What he said.
  18. Belbo

    "Australian Exceptionalism"

    We do have a strong economy, but it is seriously worth asking - as Indifference rightly does - what is our Achilles heel here? Personal vs public debt is relevant, and no doubt worth considering. But I suspect economic infrastructure is our most serious national problem. Given...
  19. Belbo

    "Australian Exceptionalism"

    Thanks for the link. That insightful article by Scott Steel offers a clearly explained, empirically credible, politically even-handed basis for tremendous hope, arguing Australia has done very well up until now, precisely because of . . . The key question this all raises right now though...