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  1. Bill.L

    House prices in freefall

    Hi all, Greenspan in the US stated today that the economy was in an expansionary phase and that the fed could accomodate it without raising rates. This sounds inflationary to me. The $US tanked($A at new highs), rates here probably on hold for a few more months, is this a green light...
  2. Bill.L

    House prices in freefall

    Hi Thommo, Of course "The US Fed is truly between a rock and a hard place. ATM they are keeping all the balls in the air but should they drop them ANYTHING is possible." But what are the likely scenarios?? To my way of thinking there are 2...
  3. Bill.L

    House prices in freefall

    Hi Jim, If the slowdown that appears to have started continues, it will lead to less development(because the developers run out of buyers). This leads to a slowdown in the building and trades sector, one of the biggest parts of the economy. This will lead to slower growth(and usually...
  4. Bill.L

    House prices in freefall

    Hi Thommo, Actually I'm 46(but will be 47 in 43 minutes:D). I have wife and 3 children, live in house I built myself. Is the messenger more important than the message?? Question about blowing up and harming other peoples plans; I'm not sure that I understand the question, but if you mean...
  5. Bill.L

    House prices in freefall

    Hi Thommo, Sorry about the sounding like I was preaching bit.It's just that I have known many people who have all sorts of doom and gloom scenarios. Some find religion, others have their doom and gloom stories created by religion. Some look at the environmental side of things. The one thing...
  6. Bill.L

    House prices in freefall

    LB, What have you read in regard to property investing?? bye
  7. Bill.L

    House prices in freefall

    Hi Thommo, I'm not sure what I have stated that offends you,I have tried to highlight the fallacy of worrying about that which you cannot control. In regard to the car situation, electric cars, fuel cell cars, hydrogen cars. As oil gets more expensive, they become more cost competitive and...
  8. Bill.L

    House prices in freefall

    LB, And the answer to the 2 questions I asked??? bye
  9. Bill.L

    House prices in freefall

    Hi all, Thommo, The points you raise about possible economic collapse have been around for many,many years in different guises. It is what stops many people from investing because of the "what iffs". I once suffered from the gloom and doom scenarios that would stop me from making sound...
  10. Bill.L

    House prices in freefall

    Hi all, LB, your kidding right?? When shown evidence contrary to your opinion, you just dismiss it, not consider it. When challenged about misleading statements YOU made, you attack the messenger, not redress the fallacies you produce. You stated a few posts back that people were...
  11. Bill.L

    House prices in freefall

    Hi all, LB, your at it again, but let's not let the truth get in the way of a good story. LB's statement; "I'm now talking to people who are saying that they are happy to wait for a while before buying or live with mom and dad a little longer as...
  12. Bill.L

    House prices in freefall

    Hi all, Lilith, I think you have missed Acey's point entirely. The 110,000 immigrants each year HAVE to live somewhere. Do you agree??? Their very presence means that SOME type of accommodation will be needed. They will not be living with family indefinately(I know this from experience)...
  13. Bill.L

    House prices in freefall

    Hi all, In the regional town that I keep an eye on(Colac, and have IP there), the frenetic buying of last year is no longer with us. Houses are staying on the market much longer, but there is NO evidence of any panic selling. Prices in the REA windows are not being dropped. Houses in the...