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  1. Biz

    Rewarding good tenants

    Ok, you guys have convinced me. I am going to gift my tenants a calender. with highlighted dates of when the rent is due!
  2. Biz

    Rewarding good tenants

    Can we see these letters you write? :D lol...
  3. Biz

    Rewarding good tenants

    Must be a bloody good gift you are giving them! :rolleyes:
  4. Biz

    Rewarding good tenants

    Like my father in law says in his thick accent - "TOO MANY PRESENTS IN THIS COUNTRY" Presents for tenants lol. Same goes for employee's, do you think they will work harder if you give them a bottle of red a crissy? If you are good you are good, you respect the agreement and deliver as obligated.