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  1. BoatBoy

    A whinge about excess water usage!!!!

    From the RTA QLD web site FAQ - During a Tenancy Return to FAQ list What are lessor's obligations with regard to water? Lessors have always been responsible for paying for water used on the premises. Before...
  2. BoatBoy

    A whinge about excess water usage!!!!

    Absolutely correct, but at least you get the $$$ back. Better late than never. BB
  3. BoatBoy

    A whinge about excess water usage!!!!

    Take it out of the bond. BB
  4. BoatBoy

    A whinge about excess water usage!!!!

    Going the other way, Bloss and I use way less than the average usage in our area. We havent washed the car [she's a dirty girl] or watered the garden in over a year. Surely we should be able to as we use less than other houshold's. BB