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  1. C

    looking for creative ways to help subsidise children's first homes

    Thanks, Amanda That loan sounds interesting. Maybe the parents could pay the interest on the 20% loan and when the house appreciates enough in value the child could pay back the parents the loan and the interest. Cheers Carol
  2. C

    looking for creative ways to help subsidise children's first homes

    Hi Daz That's an interesting idea too - - providing rental accommodation, with landlord responsibilities attached. You might want to re-think the age of getting kicked out closer to the time. 18 might be a bit young! They are still pretty silly at 18. I don't know about your Polish...
  3. C

    looking for creative ways to help subsidise children's first homes

    Nope! But she plans to do her PhD on Altzeimer's so hopefully that topic is regarded as a good one for post-doctoral funding. Hope she discovers something big quickly. No time to waste as my mental faculties are deteriorating quickly. Carol
  4. C

    looking for creative ways to help subsidise children's first homes

    Thanks for all the great posts, everyone. Looks like my clever idea of having my children "beat me down savagely from fair market price" isn't allowed! I had a long conversation about this topic with my children and one of the boyfriends. It was interesting. My youngest said...
  5. C

    looking for creative ways to help subsidise children's first homes

    Alexlee I know what you mean. I have actually read that book - but a long time ago. I'll have another look through it. I also read an article in the BRW a couple of months ago which more or less said that a large propertion of children of wealthy,self-made dads turned out to be duds...
  6. C

    looking for creative ways to help subsidise children's first homes

    Hi Rambada The trouble is you don't want your mature kids to stay at home because it's not good for their development. I moved out of home when I was 21 and loved it. It's very interesting. We live in a good suburb a couple of minutes walk to the river. Our eldest daughter said she...
  7. C

    looking for creative ways to help subsidise children's first homes

    Hi everyone, I am new to this forum and am interested in some clever ideas on how to help subsidise my children's first homes. I am interested in hearing what other people might have done. One idea I have had is to buy a basic house on a block that can be sub-divided. I could then...