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  1. C

    No Stamp Duty

    I haven't really studied how the government allocates revenue / tax money to be honest. There are plenty of examples out there, where the government does not run things efficiently, where they are not efficient I call it waste.
  2. C

    No Stamp Duty

    That's the trick though isn't it, they reduce your claimable tax on your income and give you a "Fairer" gst tax system which isn't claimable. They don't change tax systems to make things fairer for Johnny punch clock, I wonder who the real winner is.
  3. C

    No Stamp Duty

    I agree the governments waste so much, I try and minimize as much as I can but not a hell of lot you can do really. I was thinking the other day, while I was doing my tax return (yes a bit behind!) why cant you claim all the gst you have paid over the year, its still a tax on your income.