Search results

  1. Corey Batt

    Abbott or Gillard...? I know I know, ABC booo hiss! I had a quick flick through the descriptions and they seem to be on the mark in being informative than persuasive. The comparisons follow Labor, Lib and Greens, with categories of different policy focus e.g...
  2. Corey Batt

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    Of course they are! And if they're not, they're over-educated, haven't-run-a-small-business swine. Stereotypes-r-us
  3. Corey Batt

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    Thorpey the poll bias is to do with its audience base. For example: If you polled within Labor HQ and compared to a poll within Liberal HQ you would get two different results. The same is the case for yahoo poll. Bias from this poll is secured to people who: a, Vote in online political...