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  1. Crabnet

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    Yes, I've seen some of the protestors on shows like Four Corners. They would probably look for any technicality to hold up development that threatens their quality of life. It's probably the NIMBY effect. Some farmers organise protests about hydraulic fracking because they are wary of it's...
  2. Crabnet

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    Having just seen some reporting on the election they say that the remote communities had very large swings away from Labor which decided the result. Their dissatisfaction is apparently due to local council amalgamations that created super shires that left the local Aboriginal communities...
  3. Crabnet

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    The "experts" say too many projects occurring at once driving prices higher. Poor capital productivity. Poor management and lack of R&D to improve efficiencies. The easy stuff has already been mined making the remaining stuff dearer to process. Diesel Costs. Anyhow BHP Billiton have...
  4. Crabnet

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    You're muddying the waters. If you had read the linked article that you posted you would have seen he was talking about Eastern Seaboard coal. Olympic Dam is not a coal mine it is a Copper and Uranium mine that also produces some gold and silver Kloppers: "A ''very substantial chunk'' of...
  5. Crabnet

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    To be fair he already pointed out to the general public that you should "only believe me when it's written down".
  6. Crabnet

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    Sales must have responded to something another ABC journalist wrote last week. Barrie Cassidy from Insiders. Insiders presenter Barrie Cassidy says the media has failed to hold Opposition Leader Tony Abbott...
  7. Crabnet

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    IMHO Shane Dowling of Kangaroo Court of Australia reignited the interest with Gillards past last year when he pointed out the hypocrisy with her comments relating to WikiLeaks and Julian Assange. Social media got a hold of it and it's turned into a "witch...
  8. Crabnet

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    This story keeps re-emerging. What's the deal this time? Is there an upcoming book launch or something and someone is looking for free publicity?
  9. Crabnet

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    Yes and I read in the news that the BOM are forecasting an El Nino weather pattern forming for October. A couple of years of drier conditions after the good rains usually results in lots of fuel for bushfires.
  10. Crabnet

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    Yes that's the theory. Someone like myself that lives in a Blue Ribbon Liberal seat represented by the invisible man fully understands this. However, IMHO there is a growing percentage of the population that consider the Federal poll as a popularity contest between leaders. Like a Presidential...
  11. Crabnet

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    There is another statistic doing the rounds. If an election were held today and Abbott won he would be the least popular elected Prime Minister since polling began. On the other hand I suppose if Gillard won and her popularity remains in the basement she might get the record.
  12. Crabnet

    Why Abbott could lose the ‘unloseable’ election

    If the world economy goes to hell in a handbasket in late 2013 or 2014 as some people forecast then Abbott and co might regret winning the next election. For your general information News Corporation recently bought Climate Spectator along with Business Spectator. News Corporation like the...